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Displaying 699-713 of 1,288 results

1020 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1020 US Patent No 5,619,650

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1020-17 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1020 US Patent No 5,619,650 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1067 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1067 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1067-39 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1067 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey 1989 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1006 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1006-6 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1006 Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, Inc, New Jersey 1996 1 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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2003 Exhibit: Declaration of Karineh Khachatourian ISO Cavium¿¿¿s Motion to Inter...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 2003-46 Exhibit - Declaration of Karineh Khachatourian ISO Cavium¿¿¿s Motion to Intervene (P.T.A.B. Nov. 2, 2017)

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1016 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, R¿¿tsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM A...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1016-13 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, R¿¿tsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM Adapter Experiments with Internet Protocols in User Space, Journal on High Speed Ne...

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1038 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1038 Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The pro...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1038-33 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1038 Woodside, C M, Ravindran, K, and Franks, R G The protocol bypass concept for high speed OSI data transfer IFIP Workshop on Protocols fo...

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1004 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1004 Curriculum Vitae of Bill Lin

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1004-4 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1004 Curriculum Vitae of Bill Lin (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1076 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1076 Hotz, Steve et al, Internet Protocols for Network Attach...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1076-42 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1076 Hotz, Steve et al, Internet Protocols for Network Attached Peripherals, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (P.T....

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1018 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1018 Rutsche, E, The Architecture of a Gbs Multimedia Prot...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1018-15 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1018 Rutsche, E, The Architecture of a Gbs Multimedia Protocol Adapter, Computer Communication Review, 1993 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1035 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1035 Patterson, DA, Hennessy, JL, Computer Architecture A...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1035-31 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1035 Patterson, DA, Hennessy, JL, Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc, San Mateo, CA 1990 1 of...

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1029 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1029 MacLean, AR, Barvick, S E, An Outboard Processor fo...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1029-26 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1029 MacLean, AR, Barvick, S E, An Outboard Processor for High Performance Implementation of Transport Layer Protocols, IEEE Globecom 91...

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1028 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1028 Murphy, E, Hayes, S, Enders, M, TCP IP Tutorial and T...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1028-25 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1028 Murphy, E, Hayes, S, Enders, M, TCP IP Tutorial and Technical Overview Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc New Jersey, 1995 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2...

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2002 Exhibit: Intel Corporation¿¿¿s Motion to Intervene

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 2002-45 Exhibit - Intel Corporation¿¿¿s Motion to Intervene (P.T.A.B. Nov. 2, 2017)

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1009 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1009 Lilinkamp, J, Mandell R and Padlipsky, M, Proposed Ho...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1009-8 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1009 Lilinkamp, J, Mandell R and Padlipsky, M, Proposed Host Front End Protocol, Network Working Group Request for Comments 929, Dec 1984 (...

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1074 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1074 Librarian declaration of Seema Rampersad regarding ...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1074-40 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1074 Librarian declaration of Seema Rampersad regarding CAE Specification, Protocols for X Open PC Interworking SMB, Version 2 (P.T.A.B. Ju...

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