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Displaying 39-53 of 65 results

1012 Exhibit: FH 90009329 Part 4

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1012-18 Exhibit - FH 90009329 Part 4 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)
(31) %%WIO-56620 fi$%Ewfififlfl%Hfi$4z7wb§«7%%tU VffiwfiwmUy7fi?Fvltm%fiEfi¢wT$ % [@541$%mm%fisw7L4N~7fi%H5Efi fi$%EmWfiEfi§mfi¥a17mb$v7§%tU y7Nw7vmuy7mTFLztmfi%éfi¢@?fi 5. [E551$%Mmfifi5m7u4n»flfifiH%Efi fi$fiEmfifiEfiflmfi¥z1?mb5a?§%tU >-7”?» 9 T5T)U pm}:-rz: L. it-:’3l3fiI73w"~.§sT<‘y"I£l‘?.
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1002 Exhibit: FH 7558472 Part 3

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1002-4 Exhibit - FH 7558472 Part 3 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)
Patent and Trademark Dllice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection ot information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
Patent and Trademark Dtlice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act ot 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection ot information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
Patent and Trademark Dllice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection at information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
Part of a Department of Commerce initiative, this website includes self-help "toolkits" giving innovators guidance on how to protect intellectual property in specific countries such as China, Korea and Mexico.
Applicationfcontrol No. App|icant(s)i‘Patent Under Reexamination Examiner Chevalier, Bob Art Unit 2621 Rejected Cancelled Non-Elected Appeal Allowed Restricted Interference Objected El Claims renumbered in the same order as presented by applicant
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1002 Exhibit: FH 7558472 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1002-2 Exhibit - FH 7558472 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)
in addition, tapes are of finite length, and may potentially end at inconvenient times, drasticeily lowering the value of the soiution The use of digital computer systems to solve this problem has been suggested.
It the user wants to start in the middie of the program, the system performs a binary search of the stored segments until it finds the appropriate spot, obtaining the desired results with a minimal amount of infonnation.
This switching is typically caused by sending a “switch” event to the PushSwitch 1102 obiect, An additionai method for triggering seiective capture is through information modulated into the VBl or piaced into an MPEG private data channel.
One skilled in the art will readily appreciate that although a circular buffer is specifically mentioned in areas above, a linked list using a memory pool ailocation scheme, also described above, can be substituted in its place.
As previously indicated, the media manager 1405, connected to the MPEG-2 decoder/graphics subsystem 1404 by means of the PCI bus 140?, performs a bridging or mediating function between many of the hardware components of the system, notably the CPU 1403, the hard disk or storage device 1505, and memory 1501.
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1012 Exhibit: FH 90009329 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1012-15 Exhibit - FH 90009329 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)
E‘ Reexamination of claims) 19_ A copy of every patent or printed publication relied upon is submitted herewith including a listing thereof on Form PTOISBIOB, PTO-‘I 449, or equivalent.
Eastern District of Texas (Marshall Dlvison) Dawaoe ‘ex Authorized Signature David L. Fehrman TypecliPrinted Name DISH Network Corp. et al., v. Tivo, lno., Case No. 1 :08-CV—OD327-JJF, US.
Brief Overview The ‘389 patent (submitted herewith as Exhibit 1) is directed to a system for simultaneously storing and playing back multimedia data, such as a television broadcast program.
It thus qualifies as prior art under § l02(e) based upon the filing date of the 339 patent, 5.3., July 30, 1993.’ Thomason is directed to a system that simultaneously stores and plays back a television program.
The skilled artisan would appreciate that compressor 3 could be an MPEG encoder or, additionally, that a received digital MPEG~formatted broadcast stream could be directly input to buffer 4 without the need for conversion and compression.
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1008 Exhibit: Macinnis US20050122335 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1008-10 Exhibit - Macinnis US20050122335 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)
San Jose, CA (US); Greg A. Kranawetter, San Jose, CA (US); Vivian Hsiun, Palo Alto, (TA (US); Francis Cheung, San Diego, CA (US); Sandeep Bhatla, Bangalore (IN); Ramanujan Valmiki, Bangalore (IN); Sathisll Kumar, Bangalore (IN) Correspondence Address: CHRISTIE, PARKER & HALE, LLP
A video, audio and graphics system uses multiple transport procc.ss-ors to receive in-band and out-of-band MPEG Trans- port streams, to perform PII) and section filtering as well as DVB and DES decryption and to rle-multiplex them.
The system is capable of decoding multiple MPEG SLlCEs concurrently.
The system may output an I-ll)’l'V video while con- verting the HDTV video and providing as another output having an SDTV format or another HDTV format.
was rec CONTROLLER coums SAMPLES LOAD u=u=o WITH mpur vmeo
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1012 Exhibit: FH 90009329 Part 5

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1012-19 Exhibit - FH 90009329 Part 5 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Macinnis US20050122335 Part 2

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1008-11 Exhibit - Macinnis US20050122335 Part 2 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1002 Exhibit: FH 7558472 Part 2

Document IPR2016-01553, No. 1002-3 Exhibit - FH 7558472 Part 2 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1005 Exhibit: So US5909559 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1005-6 Exhibit - So US5909559 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1004 Exhibit: Chauvel US6369855 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1004-19 Exhibit - Chauvel US6369855 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1011 Exhibit: FH 90009329 Part 1

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1011-13 Exhibit - FH 90009329 Part 1 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1001 Exhibit: Locket US7558472

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1001 Exhibit - Locket US7558472 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1002 Exhibit: FH 7558472 Part 3

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1002-4 Exhibit - FH 7558472 Part 3 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1004 Exhibit: Chauvel US6369855 Part 2

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1004-20 Exhibit - Chauvel US6369855 Part 2 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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1011 Exhibit: FH 90009329 Part 4

Document IPR2016-01552, No. 1011-16 Exhibit - FH 90009329 Part 4 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2016)

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