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Displaying 4899-4913 of 50,000 results


Docket VAS-22-49, Arkansas State, Crawford County, District Court (Jan. 4, 2022)
Fifth State, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. JULIE C KARAGEORGE

Docket 45D07-2005-IF-007405, Indiana State, Lake County, Superior Court (May 14, 2020)
Nicholas J Schiralli, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. Sally M Hall

Docket 36D01-1809-IF-002344, Indiana State, Jackson County, Superior Court (Sept. 19, 2018)

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. BRENDA L WILDER

Docket 10C01-2011-IF-003493, Indiana State, Clark County, Circuit Court 1 (Nov. 24, 2020)
Daniel E Moore, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Metropolitan Development Commission v. Damon Echols

Docket 49D04-1904-OV-013411, Indiana State, Marion County, Superior Court (April 3, 2019)

cite Cite Docket

In re: The Intrastate Transfer of Probation of KRISTOPHER JAMES MELTON

Docket 30C01-1905-MC-001107, Indiana State, Hancock County, Circuit Court (May 31, 2019)
Scott Sirk, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. ERIC R ALTMAN

Docket 52H01-1905-IF-000224, Indiana State, Miami County, Peru City Court (May 31, 2019)
Elizabeth G Price, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana vs. Caldwell, Kirsten

Docket 49F31-0707-OV-131843, Indiana State, Marion County, Superior Court (July 5, 2007)
James A Joven, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. ESTEBAN A GARCIA

Docket 15H02-1510-IF-003835, Indiana State, Dearborn County, Lawrenceburg City Court (Oct. 13, 2015)
Charles C. Evans, Jr., presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana v. FERNANDO MARTINEZ

Docket 71D02-1604-CM-001693, Indiana State, St. Joseph County, Superior Court (April 8, 2016)

cite Cite Docket


Docket 2013-TR-004250-A-W, Florida State, Orange County, County Court (Feb. 6, 2013)
95 Hearing Officer, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana vs. Ronald E Williams

Docket 20H01-1201-IF-001053, Indiana State, Elkhart County, Elkhart City Court (Jan. 27, 2012)
Charles H Grodnik, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

State V Gayle Derringe

Docket 26D01-1106-IF-002523, Indiana State, Gibson County, Superior Court (June 15, 2011)

cite Cite Docket

State of Indiana vs. Stephen C Tarter

Docket 32D01-1107-FD-000594, Indiana State, Hendricks County, Superior Court (July 18, 2011)

cite Cite Docket

State V Rachard Medley

Docket 62C01-0901-IF-000069, Indiana State, Perry County, Circuit Court (Jan. 12, 2009)

cite Cite Docket
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