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Displaying 459-473 of 583 results

1019 Exhibit: Certified Translation of German Patent Application No DE 19638667 ...

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1019 Exhibit - Certified Translation of German Patent Application No DE 19638667 A1 to Schlotter et al (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1041 Exhibit: Institution Decision in IPR2017 00551

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1041 Exhibit - Institution Decision in IPR2017 00551 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1038 Exhibit: BASF The Chemical Company Lumogen F Yellow 083 Data Sheet

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1038 Exhibit - BASF The Chemical Company Lumogen F Yellow 083 Data Sheet (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1005 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,600,175

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1005 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,600,175 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1013 Exhibit: US Patent No 3,816,576

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1013 Exhibit - US Patent No 3,816,576 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

cite Cite Document

1015 Exhibit: Nakamura et al, High power InGaN single quantum well structure blue...

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1015 Exhibit - Nakamura et al, High power InGaN single quantum well structure blue and violet light emitting diodes (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1006 Exhibit: Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication No H08 7614

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1006 Exhibit - Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication No H08 7614 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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1037 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,998,925 to Shimizu et al

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1037 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,998,925 to Shimizu et al (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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2015 Exhibit: EX2015

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 2015 Exhibit - EX2015 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 9, 2018)

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1026 Exhibit: G Blasse et al, Investigation of Some Ce3 Activated Phosphors

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1026 Exhibit - G Blasse et al, Investigation of Some Ce3 Activated Phosphors (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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2002 Exhibit: EX2002

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 2002 Exhibit - EX2002 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 9, 2018)

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2013 Exhibit: EX2013

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 2013 Exhibit - EX2013 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 9, 2018)

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2021 Exhibit: EX2021

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 2021 Exhibit - EX2021 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 9, 2018)

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2022 Exhibit: EX2022

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 2022 Exhibit - EX2022 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 9, 2018)

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1024 Exhibit: S Nakamura et al, Candela class high brightness InGaNAlGaN double...

Document IPR2017-02000, No. 1024 Exhibit - S Nakamura et al, Candela class high brightness InGaNAlGaN double heterostructure blue light emitting diodes (P.T.A.B. Aug. 25, 2017)

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