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Displaying 414-428 of 583 results

1032 Exhibit: US Patent No 3,819,974 to Stevenson et al

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1032-35 Exhibit - US Patent No 3,819,974 to Stevenson et al (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1036 Exhibit: US Patent No 7,531,960 to Shimizu et al

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1036-42 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,531,960 to Shimizu et al (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1002 Exhibit: File History of US Patent No 7,915,631 part 2

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1002-3 Exhibit - File History of US Patent No 7,915,631 part 2 (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1035 Exhibit: Trial Transcript in Everlight et al v Nichia Corp et al

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1035-41 Exhibit - Trial Transcript in Everlight et al v Nichia Corp et al (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1047 Exhibit: MARC Record for Rossotti

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1047-53 Exhibit - MARC Record for Rossotti (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1028 Exhibit: Herbert Maruska, Dissertation, Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Diodes

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1028-31 Exhibit - Herbert Maruska, Dissertation, Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Diodes (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1025 Exhibit: G Blasse et al, A New Phosphor for Flying Spot Cathode Ray Tubes fo...

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1025-28 Exhibit - G Blasse et al, A New Phosphor for Flying Spot Cathode Ray Tubes for Color Television (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1007 Exhibit: Certified Translation of Japanese Examined Patent Application Public...

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1007-9 Exhibit - Certified Translation of Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication No H08 7614 Shimizu (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1020 Exhibit: US Patent No 7,078,732 to Reeh et al

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1020-23 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,078,732 to Reeh et al (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1033 Exhibit: Class for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1033-36 Exhibit - Class for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1031 Exhibit: US Patent No 4,090,189 to Fisler

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1031-34 Exhibit - US Patent No 4,090,189 to Fisler (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1018 Exhibit: German Patent Application No DE 19638667 A1 to Schlotter et al

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1018-21 Exhibit - German Patent Application No DE 19638667 A1 to Schlotter et al (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1043 Exhibit: Institution Decision in IPR2017 00556

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1043-49 Exhibit - Institution Decision in IPR2017 00556 (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1027 Exhibit: DA Pinnow et al, Photoluminescent Conversion of Laser Light for Blac...

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1027-30 Exhibit - DA Pinnow et al, Photoluminescent Conversion of Laser Light for Black and White and Multicolor Displays (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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1021 Exhibit: M Hoffman, Improved color rendition in high pressure mercury vapor ...

Document IPR2018-01100, No. 1021-24 Exhibit - M Hoffman, Improved color rendition in high pressure mercury vapor lamps (P.T.A.B. May. 16, 2018)

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