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Displaying 3879-3893 of 4,179 results

1013 Exhibit: Exhibit 1013 Fowler

Document IPR2016-01443, No. 1013-12 Exhibit - Exhibit 1013 Fowler (P.T.A.B. Jul. 15, 2016)

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2017 Exhibit: Ex 2017

Document IPR2016-01443, No. 2017-33 Exhibit - Ex 2017 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 25, 2016)

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1014 Exhibit: CS 1014 Intentionally Left Blank

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1014-14 Exhibit - CS 1014 Intentionally Left Blank (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1019 Exhibit: CS 1019 Static Analysis Virus Detection Tools for Unix Systems, 13th...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1019-19 Exhibit - CS 1019 Static Analysis Virus Detection Tools for Unix Systems, 13th National Computer Security Conference, Volume 1, Information Systems Security Sta...

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1033 Exhibit: CS 1033 MARC record for the Proceedings of the 13th National Comp...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1033-33 Exhibit - CS 1033 MARC record for the Proceedings of the 13th National Computer Security Conference created by the Purdue University Library (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22,...

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1038 Exhibit: CS 1038 Declaration of John Hawes

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1038-38 Exhibit - CS 1038 Declaration of John Hawes (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1011 Exhibit: CS 1011 A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection A Synthesis of Stati...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - CS 1011 A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection A Synthesis of Static and Dynamic Analysis Techniques, 14th Department of Energy Computer Security G...

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1008 Exhibit: CS 1008 Network Firewalls, IEEE Communications Magazine, Steven...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1008-8 Exhibit - CS 1008 Network Firewalls, IEEE Communications Magazine, Steven M Bellovin and William R Cheswick (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1032 Exhibit: CS 1032 Copy of the public catalog of the library at Purdue University...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1032-32 Exhibit - CS 1032 Copy of the public catalog of the library at Purdue University identifying the Proceedings of the 13th National Computer Science Conference as pa...

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1017 Exhibit: CS 1017 Automated Assistance for Detecting Malicious Code, Sixth In...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1017-17 Exhibit - CS 1017 Automated Assistance for Detecting Malicious Code, Sixth International Computer Security and Virus Conference and Expo, Crawford et al (P.T.A...

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1028 Exhibit: CS 1028 Declaration of Justus L Getty Esq

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1028-28 Exhibit - CS 1028 Declaration of Justus L Getty Esq (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1021 Exhibit: CS 1021 US Provisional Application No 60030639

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1021-21 Exhibit - CS 1021 US Provisional Application No 60030639 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1035 Exhibit: CS 1035 MARC record for the Proceedings of 14th Department of Ene...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1035-35 Exhibit - CS 1035 MARC record for the Proceedings of 14th Department of Energy Computer Security Group Conference created by GPO (P.T.A.B. Sep. 22, 2017)

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1034 Exhibit: CS 1034 Copy of the public Catalog of US Government Publications C...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1034-34 Exhibit - CS 1034 Copy of the public Catalog of US Government Publications CGP identifying the Proceedings of 14th Department of Energy Computer Security Gro...

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1013 Exhibit: CS 1013 Dynamic Detection and Classification of Computer Viruses U...

Document IPR2017-02155, No. 1013-13 Exhibit - CS 1013 Dynamic Detection and Classification of Computer Viruses Using General Behavior Patterns, Virus Bulletin Conference, Morton Swimmer (P.T.A.B...

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