IPR2020-01041, No. 1046-47 Exhibit - Exhibit 11 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, IEEE About the IEEE Fellow Program, fromhttpswwwieeeorgmembershipfellowsindexhtml last visited April 28, 2020...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1046-47 Exhibit - Exhibit 11 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, IEEE About the IEEE Fellow Program, fromhttpswwwieeeorgmembershipfellowsindexhtml last visited April 28, 2020 (P.T.A.B. Jun
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - Declaration of Willy Zwaenepoel Concerning the USENIX 2nd Symposium on OS Design and Implementation OSDI¿¿¿96, Seattle, Washington, October 28 3...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - Declaration of Willy Zwaenepoel Concerning the USENIX 2nd Symposium on OS Design and Implementation OSDI¿¿¿96, Seattle, Washington, October 28 31, 1996 and the Pub
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1043-44 Exhibit - Exhibit 8 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, USENIX ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS ORDER FORM, from httpswebarchiveorgweb19961122181208httpusenixor...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1043-44 Exhibit - Exhibit 8 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, USENIX ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS ORDER FORM, from httpswebarchiveorgweb19961122181208httpusenixorgpublicationsorderingordertxt
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1017-18 Exhibit - Exhibit 1004 to Hall Ellis Declaration, M McKusick et al, The Design and Implementation of the 44 BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley Professional, 1s...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1017-18 Exhibit - Exhibit 1004 to Hall Ellis Declaration, M McKusick et al, The Design and Implementation of the 44 BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley Professional, 1st Ed, 1996 P
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1007-6 Exhibit - P Goyal et al, A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for Multimedia Operating Systems, Proceedings of OSDI 96, USENIX, October 1996, 107 121 Goyal (P.T.A.B. J...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1007-6 Exhibit - P Goyal et al, A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for Multimedia Operating Systems, Proceedings of OSDI 96, USENIX, October 1996, 107 121 Goyal (P.T.A.B. Jun. 5, 2020)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1038-39 Exhibit - Exhibit 3 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, Pre Announcement and Call for Papers, Second Symposium on OS Design and Implementation OSDI 96 from httpsww...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1038-39 Exhibit - Exhibit 3 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, Pre Announcement and Call for Papers, Second Symposium on OS Design and Implementation OSDI 96 from httpswwwusenixorglegacypub
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1024-25 Exhibit - Attachment 2a to Hall Ellis Declaration, MARC record for the print Proceedings of the Second USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Imple...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1024-25 Exhibit - Attachment 2a to Hall Ellis Declaration, MARC record for the print Proceedings of the Second USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation obtain
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1044-45 Exhibit - Exhibit 9 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, IEEE Fellows Directory listing Willy Zwaenepoel, admitted 1998 fromhttpsservices27ieeeorgfellowsdirectorykeywords...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1044-45 Exhibit - Exhibit 9 to Zwaenepoel Declaration, IEEE Fellows Directory listing Willy Zwaenepoel, admitted 1998 fromhttpsservices27ieeeorgfellowsdirectorykeywordsearchhtmlkeyw
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1015-15 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 to Hall Ellis Declaration, P Goyal et al, A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for Multimedia Operating Systems, Proceedings of OSDI 96, USENIX, Oc...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1015-15 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 to Hall Ellis Declaration, P Goyal et al, A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for Multimedia Operating Systems, Proceedings of OSDI 96, USENIX, October 1996,
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1009-9 Exhibit - M McKusick et al, The Design and Implementation of the 44 BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley Professional, 1st Ed, 1996 McKusick Part 2 of 2 (P.T.A....
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1009-9 Exhibit - M McKusick et al, The Design and Implementation of the 44 BSD Operating System, Addison Wesley Professional, 1st Ed, 1996 McKusick Part 2 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 5, 202
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2010-102 Exhibit - Ex 2010 Silberschatz Google Scholar (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2010-102 Exhibit - Ex 2010 Silberschatz Google Scholar (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1063-64 Exhibit - Parameswaran Ramanathan and Prathima Agrawal, Adapting Packet Fair Queueing Algorithms to Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACMI...
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IPR2020-01041, No. 1063-64 Exhibit - Parameswaran Ramanathan and Prathima Agrawal, Adapting Packet Fair Queueing Algorithms to Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACMIEEE International Co
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2022-114 Exhibit - Ex 2022 USENIX 456 Paper (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2022-114 Exhibit - Ex 2022 USENIX 456 Paper (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2009-101 Exhibit - Ex 2009 ACM Award (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2009-101 Exhibit - Ex 2009 ACM Award (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2034-126 Exhibit - Ex 2034 Blanquer Ozden (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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IPR2020-01041, No. 2034-126 Exhibit - Ex 2034 Blanquer Ozden (P.T.A.B. Apr. 27, 2021)
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