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Displaying 339-353 of 609 results

1036 Exhibit: GOOG 1036 Defendants Motion to Transfer or, in the Alternative, to D...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 1036-48 Exhibit - GOOG 1036 Defendants Motion to Transfer or, in the Alternative, to Dismiss for Improper Venue (P.T.A.B. Sep. 15, 2021)

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1038 Exhibit: GOOG 1038 Complaint, RFCyber v LG, 2 20 cv 00336 JRG RSP 1

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 1038-50 Exhibit - GOOG 1038 Complaint, RFCyber v LG, 2 20 cv 00336 JRG RSP 1 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 15, 2021)

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2007 Exhibit: Ex 2007 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NXP USA, In...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2007-40 Exhibit - Ex 2007 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NXP USA, Inc served July 8, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2001 Exhibit: Ex 2001 RFCyber Corp v Google, No 220 cv 00274 JRG, Dkt 63 ED Te...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2001-34 Exhibit - Ex 2001 RFCyber Corp v Google, No 220 cv 00274 JRG, Dkt 63 ED Tex June 10, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2010 Exhibit: Ex 2010 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Mastercard ...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2010-43 Exhibit - Ex 2010 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Mastercard Inc served July 27, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

cite Cite Document

2007 Exhibit: Ex 2007 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NXP USA, In...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2007-40 Exhibit - Ex 2007 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NXP USA, Inc served July 8, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

cite Cite Document

2002 Exhibit: Ex 2002 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Nokia Corp, ...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2002-35 Exhibit - Ex 2002 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Nokia Corp, served June 25, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2003 Exhibit: Ex 2003 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on EMV Co, ser...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2003-36 Exhibit - Ex 2003 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on EMV Co, served June 28, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

cite Cite Document

2005 Exhibit: Ex 2005 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NFC Forum,...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2005-38 Exhibit - Ex 2005 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on NFC Forum, Inc, served June 28, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2012 Exhibit: Ex 2012 Google���s Invalidity and Subject Matter Eligibility Contention...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2012-45 Exhibit - Ex 2012 Google���s Invalidity and Subject Matter Eligibility Contentions, served July 14, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2002 Exhibit: Ex 2002 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Nokia Corp, ...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2002-35 Exhibit - Ex 2002 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Nokia Corp, served June 25, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2012 Exhibit: Ex 2012 Google���s Invalidity and Subject Matter Eligibility Contention...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2012-45 Exhibit - Ex 2012 Google���s Invalidity and Subject Matter Eligibility Contentions, served July 14, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2009 Exhibit: Ex 2009 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Visa Inc serv...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2009-42 Exhibit - Ex 2009 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Visa Inc served July 8, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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2008 Exhibit: Ex 2008 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Secure Tech...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2008-41 Exhibit - Ex 2008 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Secure Technology Alliance served July 8, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

cite Cite Document

2006 Exhibit: Ex 2006 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Mastercard ...

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 2006-39 Exhibit - Ex 2006 Google Notice of Intent to Serve Subpoenas on Mastercard Inc served July 8, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 24, 2021)

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