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Displaying 324-338 of 360 results

1015 Exhibit: Ex 1015 Programmers Technical Reference

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1015 Exhibit - Ex 1015 Programmers Technical Reference (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)

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1007 Exhibit: Ex 1007 Beretta

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1007 Exhibit - Ex 1007 Beretta (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)
Raymond Edinger, Jr., "A Measure for Stairstepping in Digitized Text that Correlates with the Subjective Impres sion of Quality", IS&T's Tenth International Congress on Advances in Non-Impact Printing Technologies, 552-558, 1994.
Andrew B. Watson et al., Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Basis Function Visibility: Effects of Viewing Distance and Contrast Masking, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display V, 2179,
Even if the original tables are carefully designed to be perceptually lossless, however, a large Q-factor will introduce artifacts in the reconstructed image, such as blockiness in areas of constant color or ringing in text-scale characters.
In addition, there a numerous combi nations of hardware and/or software that can be used to implement compression and/or decompression engines according to the invention depending on the desired perfor mance and cost.
The corrected and transformed color source image data is then passed to a JPEG compression engine 140, which includes the two quantization tables (QE, QD) formed in accordance with the invention described herein.
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1012 Exhibit: Ex 1012 Papst Opening CC Brief and Declaration

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1012 Exhibit - Ex 1012 Papst Opening CC Brief and Declaration (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)
One of the problems addressed by the Patents is the challenge of connecting devices to “host systems in the form of laptops whose minimum possible size leaves little internal space to plug in an interface card.” (See Ex. 1, 2:12-13.)
40 See Renishaw PLC v. MarpossSocieta’ Per Azioni, 158 F.3d 1243, 1248 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (“[C]laims define the scope of the right to exclude; the claim construction inquiry, therefore, begins and ends in all cases with the actual words of the claim.” (citations omitted)).
These phrases consist of common words that can be understood and applied by the jury without further construction.43 As with “automatic recognition process,” Defendants’ proposed construction replaces “automatic[]” with “without any user intervention,” possibly to manufacture a non-infringement position.
Defendants propose a similar meaning of “data transmit/receive device” but add the requirement that the device “is capable of actively communicating with the host device.” But Defendants’ construction seeks to import a limitation from the specification and confine the claim to a preferred embodiment.
The specification describes a preferred embodiment where “the interface device according to the present invention simulates a hard disk with a root directory whose entries are ‘virtual’ files which can be created for the most varied functions.” (Ex. 2, 4:66-5:2.)
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1011 Exhibit: Ex 1011 Federal Circuit Opinion

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1011 Exhibit - Ex 1011 Federal Circuit Opinion (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)
We apply, in particular, the principle that “[t]he construction that stays true to the claim language and most naturally aligns with the patent’s description of the invention will be, in the end, the correct construction.” Renishaw PLC v. Marposs Societa’ per Azioni, 158 F.3d 1243, 1250 (Fed.Cir.1998), adopted by Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1316.
As we have noted, the district court relied only on the intrinsic record, not on any testimony about skilled artisans’ understandings of claim terms in the relevant field, and neither party challenges that approach.
The district court did not conclude, and the Camera Manufacturers and HP have not meaningfully argued, that the ordinary meaning of “second connecting device” (or “connecting device”) requires a physical plug, socket, or other structure that permits a user to readily attach and detach something else.
Nothing in the written description suggests that this depends on what non-host physical memory units hold the data as long as the interface device mimics the data-organizational tools expected by the host-native driver, such as directory structures for a hard-disk drive, to enable the host to gain access to it.
In re Papst Licensing Digital Camera Patent Litigation, 778 F.3d 1255 (2015) 113 U.S.P.Q.2d 1533 preferred embodiment ‘is rarely, if ever, correct and would require highly persuasive evidentiary support.’ ” (citation omitted)).
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1002 Exhibit: Ex 1002 449 File History

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1002 Exhibit - Ex 1002 449 File History (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)
nf mu wuse titTelaThad’ PheeroneHie Appre: eS i, aul a } U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, na persons are required to respondto a collection of information unlessit displays a valid OMB contral number.
As Gescribed above, in a preferred embodimentof the present invention the digital signal processor 1300 already contains a 20-KB on-chip RAM 1440 which can store certain instruction sets, functions and also smaller application software units.
ee nnereNeRR - _ cll A I a MIE | Declaration and Powerof Attorney For Patent Application Erklarung Fur Patentanme/dungen Mit Vollmacht German Language Declaration Als nachstehend benannter Exfinder erklare ich hiermit an Eides Star: AS a Delow named inventor, | hereby declare thal: dass mein Wohnsitz, meine Postanschrift, und meine Staats- angehdrigkeit den im Nachstehenden nach meinem Namen aulgefihrien Angaben entsprechen, dass ich, nack bestemt Wissen der urspringlicha, erste und alleinige Erfinder (falls nachstehend nur ein Name angege-" ben ist) oder ein urspriinglicher, erster und Miterfincler(fails nachstehenc mehrere Namen aufgefdhrt sind) des Gegen- standes bin, tir den dieser Antrag gectiit wird atu iiir dea gin Palant heantrant wir (l. aie Erfindung mit dem Titel: My residence, post offica address and citizenship are as stated below next to my name, 1 believe | amthe original,first.
Edae enaeee, German Language Declaration POWER OF ATTORNEY: As a namedinventor, | hereby appaint the lotlowing aftomey(s} and/or agenl{s) to prosecute this application and transact ali business in the Patent and Trademark Olfice connecied therewith.
Post Olfica Address Postaasehat Cronthalstrafe 6c eenrete janinecena ___|297074Wrzburg,German _ Full nama of secand joint inventor, t any Voller Name das zwetan Milartingars (falls zuire(fand) eeeeranteaettITACnCaeaeedIe~enteOEtlAE Unterscarit des Gxtindars Datum Sacand Irventor’ssiangture .
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1004 Exhibit: Ex 1004 Almeroth CV

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1004 Exhibit - Ex 1004 Almeroth CV (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)

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1019 Exhibit: Ex 1019 Heath

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1019 Exhibit - Ex 1019 Heath (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)

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1010 Exhibit: Ex 1010B MS DOS Encyclopedia

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1010-2 Exhibit - Ex 1010B MS DOS Encyclopedia (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 EP 0 685 799

Document IPR2018-00410, No. 1008 Exhibit - Ex 1008 EP 0 685 799 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 29, 2017)

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1010 Exhibit: Exhibit 1010 2

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1010 Exhibit - Exhibit 1010 2 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1001 Exhibit: Exhibit 1001

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1001 Exhibit - Exhibit 1001 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1020 Exhibit: Exhibit 1020

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1020 Exhibit - Exhibit 1020 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1004 Exhibit: Exhibit 1004

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1004 Exhibit - Exhibit 1004 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1014 Exhibit: Exhibit 1014 2

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1014 Exhibit - Exhibit 1014 2 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1003 Exhibit: Exhibit 1003

Document IPR2017-01617, No. 1003 Exhibit - Exhibit 1003 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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