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Displaying 294-308 of 583 results

1030 Exhibit: US Patent No 3,740,570 to Kaelin et al

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1030-33 Exhibit - US Patent No 3,740,570 to Kaelin et al (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1047 Exhibit: MARC Record for Rossotti

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1047-52 Exhibit - MARC Record for Rossotti (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1015 Exhibit: Nakamura et al, ¿¿¿High power InGaN single quantum well structure bl...

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1015-17 Exhibit - Nakamura et al, ¿¿¿High power InGaN single quantum well structure blue and violet light emitting diodes,¿¿¿ Appl Phys Lett 67 13, 25 September 1995 ¿¿¿Naka...

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1010 Exhibit: Japanese Laid Open Patent Application Publication No H05 152609

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1010-12 Exhibit - Japanese Laid Open Patent Application Publication No H05 152609 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1002 Exhibit: File History of US Patent No 7,915,631 3 of 3

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1002-4 Exhibit - File History of US Patent No 7,915,631 3 of 3 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1037 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,998,925 to Shimizu et al ¿¿¿¿¿¿925 patent¿¿¿

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1037-42 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,998,925 to Shimizu et al ¿¿¿¿¿¿925 patent¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1006 Exhibit: Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication No H08 7614

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1006-8 Exhibit - Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication No H08 7614 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1021 Exhibit: M Hoffman, ¿¿¿Improved color rendition in high pressure mercury vapo...

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1021-24 Exhibit - M Hoffman, ¿¿¿Improved color rendition in high pressure mercury vapor lamps,¿¿¿ Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol 6 No 2, Jan 1997 ¿¿¿Hof...

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1042 Exhibit: Institution Decision in IPR2017 00552

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1042-47 Exhibit - Institution Decision in IPR2017 00552 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1024 Exhibit: S Nakamura et al, ¿¿¿Candela class high brightness InGaNAlGaN dou...

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1024-27 Exhibit - S Nakamura et al, ¿¿¿Candela class high brightness InGaNAlGaN double heterostructure blue light emitting diodes,¿¿¿ Applied Physics Letters, No 64 No 13 ...

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1035 Exhibit: Trial Transcript in Everlight et al v Nichia Corp et al, No 12 cv 11758 E...

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1035-40 Exhibit - Trial Transcript in Everlight et al v Nichia Corp et al, No 12 cv 11758 EDMich Apr 17, 2015 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1029 Exhibit: US Patent No 4,727,283 to van Kemenade et al ¿¿¿Phillips¿¿¿

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1029-32 Exhibit - US Patent No 4,727,283 to van Kemenade et al ¿¿¿Phillips¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1041 Exhibit: Institution Decision in IPR2017 00551

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1041-46 Exhibit - Institution Decision in IPR2017 00551 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1023 Exhibit: H Rossotti, ¿¿¿Colour,¿¿¿ Princeton University Press, 1983 ¿¿¿Rossotti¿¿¿

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1023-26 Exhibit - H Rossotti, ¿¿¿Colour,¿¿¿ Princeton University Press, 1983 ¿¿¿Rossotti¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1004 Exhibit: Declaration of Coral Sheldon Hess

Document IPR2018-00066, No. 1004-6 Exhibit - Declaration of Coral Sheldon Hess (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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