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Displaying 279-293 of 321 results

2063 Exhibit: “Heat Capacities for Some Select Substances,” University of Texas, a...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2063 Exhibit - “Heat Capacities for Some Select Substances,” University of Texas, available at httpsgchemcmutexasedudata section2phptargetheat capacitiesphp (P.T.A.B....

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2084 Exhibit: Masimo Corp et al v Apple Inc, January 10, 2022 Order Granting Join...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2084 Exhibit - Masimo Corp et al v Apple Inc, January 10, 2022 Order Granting Joint Motion to Amend Protective Order to Add Provisions Regarding Production and Review ...

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2023 Exhibit: “Masimo Honored with FDNY ‘Flag of Heroes’,” EMS1, 2008

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2023 Exhibit - “Masimo Honored with FDNY ‘Flag of Heroes’,” EMS1, 2008 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2029 Exhibit: Masimo Rainbow Sensor Finger Assembly Photograph, Top Side curr...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2029 Exhibit - Masimo Rainbow Sensor Finger Assembly Photograph, Top Side current rainbow® (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2053 Exhibit: Design of Pulse Oximeters, JG Webster Institution of Physics Publish...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2053-2 Exhibit - Design of Pulse Oximeters, JG Webster Institution of Physics Publishing, 1997 Part 2 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2067 Exhibit: PCT Pub No WO 03068060 “Huiki”

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2067 Exhibit - PCT Pub No WO 03068060 “Huiki” (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2085 Exhibit: November 3, 2022 Email from Dan Smith to Ted Cannon, et al Re Mot...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2085 Exhibit - November 3, 2022 Email from Dan Smith to Ted Cannon, et al Re Motions to Seal and Protective Order IPR2022 01299 01300 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2061 Exhibit: “Thermal Properties of Non Metals,” Engineers Edge, available at http...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2061 Exhibit - “Thermal Properties of Non Metals,” Engineers Edge, available at httpswwwengineersedgecomheat transferthermal properties of nonmetals 13967htm (P.T.A...

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2005 Exhibit: “Rad 57 Signal Extraction Pulse CO Oximeter Operator’s Manual,” Ma...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2005 Exhibit - “Rad 57 Signal Extraction Pulse CO Oximeter Operator’s Manual,” Masimo, 2018 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2066 Exhibit: “Thermal Conductivity of Solders,” Electronics Cooling, available at ht...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2066 Exhibit - “Thermal Conductivity of Solders,” Electronics Cooling, available at httpswwwelectronics coolingcom200608thermal conductivity of solders (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 20...

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2063 Exhibit: “Heat Capacities for Some Select Substances,” University of Texas, a...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2063 Exhibit - “Heat Capacities for Some Select Substances,” University of Texas, available at httpsgchemcmutexasedudata section2phptargetheat capacitiesphp (P.T.A.B....

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2026 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,758,644

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2026 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,758,644 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 4, 2022)

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2159 Exhibit: Excerpts from Heat Transfer, 2nd ed, AF Mills Prentice Hall, 1999

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2159 Exhibit - Excerpts from Heat Transfer, 2nd ed, AF Mills Prentice Hall, 1999 (P.T.A.B. May. 19, 2023)

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2136 Exhibit: Simulation output for early rainbow® sensor – steady state temperatur...

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2136 Exhibit - Simulation output for early rainbow® sensor – steady state temperature distribution map – cross section (P.T.A.B. May. 19, 2023)

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2151 Exhibit: Declaration of William P King, PhD Redacted

Document IPR2022-01299, No. 2151-2 Exhibit - Declaration of William P King, PhD Redacted (P.T.A.B. May. 19, 2023)

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