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Displaying 9-23 of 70 results

8 Order: Conduct of the Proceeding37 CFR 425

Document IPR2016-00985, No. 8 Order - Conduct of the Proceeding37 CFR 425 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 28, 2016)

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7 Order: Scheduling Order

Document IPR2016-00985, No. 7 Order - Scheduling Order (P.T.A.B. Nov. 2, 2016)

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6 Institution Decision: Trial Instituted Document

Document IPR2016-00985, No. 6 Institution Decision - Trial Instituted Document (P.T.A.B. Nov. 2, 2016)

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6 Institution Decision: Trial Instituted Document

Document IPR2016-01053, No. 6 Institution Decision - Trial Instituted Document (P.T.A.B. Nov. 17, 2016)

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6 Institution Decision: Trial Instituted Document

Document IPR2016-01054, No. 6 Institution Decision - Trial Instituted Document (P.T.A.B. Nov. 17, 2016)

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7 Order: Scheduling Order

Document IPR2016-01053, No. 7 Order - Scheduling Order (P.T.A.B. Nov. 17, 2016)

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7 Order: Scheduling Order

Document IPR2016-01054, No. 7 Order - Scheduling Order (P.T.A.B. Nov. 17, 2016)

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3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition: Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petitio...

Document IPR2016-00985, No. 3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition - Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition (P.T.A.B. May. 4, 2016)

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3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition: Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petitio...

Document IPR2016-01054, No. 3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition - Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition (P.T.A.B. May. 23, 2016)

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3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition: Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petitio...

Document IPR2016-01053, No. 3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition - Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition (P.T.A.B. May. 23, 2016)

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No. 9

Document Sockeye Licensing TX, LLC v. Lenovo (United States), Inc., 2:15-cv-01596, No. 9 (E.D.Tex. Oct. 26, 2015)

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No. 9

Document Sockeye Licensing TX, LLC v. Toshiba America Inc, 2:15-cv-01612, No. 9 (E.D.Tex. Oct. 26, 2015)

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No. 1

Document Sockeye Licensing TX, LLC v. Lenovo (United States), Inc., 2:15-cv-01596, No. 1 (E.D.Tex. Oct. 5, 2015)

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No. 1

Document Sockeye Licensing TX, LLC v. Toshiba America Inc, 2:15-cv-01612, No. 1 (E.D.Tex. Oct. 5, 2015)

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2 Petition: Petition For Inter Partes Review Of US Patent 8,879,987 B1

Document IPR2016-00985, No. 2 Petition - Petition For Inter Partes Review Of US Patent 8,879,987 B1 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 30, 2016)

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