This is due primarily to the more favorable hand (i.e., texture) and comfort [0014] This pattem of usage indicates industry's concem over the capital expense associated of flame retardant cotton, and the significantly higher costs associated with aramid fabrics, with thennal protective apparel programs.
Combustion requires three key components commonly refened to as the "Fire Triangle": [0042] The flame retardant chemistry of the fabric of the present invention will be described fuel, heat, and oxygen.
Basil J. Lewris, Reg. No. 28,818; Martin I. Fuchs, Reg. No. 28,508; E. Robert Yoches, Reg. No. 30, 120; Barry W. Graham, Reg. No. 29,924; Susan 27,432; Clair X. Mullen, Jr., Reg. No. 20,348; Christopher P. Foley, Reg. No. 31,354; John C. Paul, Reg. No, 30,413; Roger D. Taylor, Reg. No. 28,992; Habemnan Griffen, Reg. No. 30,907; Richard B. Racine, Reg. No. 30,415; Thomas H. Jenkins, Reg. No. 30,857; Robert E. Converse, Jr., Reg. No. David M. Kelly, Reg. No. 30,953; Kenneth J. Meyers, Reg. No. 25,146; Carol P. Einaudi, Reg. No. 32,220; Walter Y. Boyd, Jr., Reg. No, 31,738; Steven 27,432; Clair X. Mullen, Jr., Reg. No. 20,348; Christopher P. Foley, Reg. No. 31,354; John C. Paul, Reg. No. 30,413; Roger D. Taylor, Reg. No. 28,992; M. Anzalone, Reg. No. 32,095; Jean 8.
Fordis, Reg. No. 32.984; Barbara C. Mccurdy, Reg. No. 32,120; James K. Hammond, Reg. No. 31,964; Richard David M. Kelly, Reg. No. 30,953; Kenneth J. Meyers, Reg. No. 25, 146; Carol P. Einaudi, Reg. No. 32,220; Walter Y. Boyd, Jr., Reg. No. 31 ,738; Steven V. Burgujian, Reg. No. 31,744; J. Michael Jakes, Reg. No. 32,824; Thomas W. Banks, Reg. No. 32,719: Christopher P. Isaac, Reg. No. 32,616; Bryan M. Anzalone, Reg. No. 32,095; Jean B. Fordis, Reg. No. 32,984; Barbara C. McCurdy, Reg. No. 32, 120; James K. Hammond, Reg. No. 31 ,964; Richard C. Diner, Reg. No. 32,409; M. Paul Barker, Reg. No. 32,013; Andrew Chanho Sonu, Reg. No. 33,457; David S. Forrnan, Reg. No. 33,694; Vincent P. V. Burgujian, Reg. No. 31 ,744; J. Michael Jakes, Reg. No. 32,824; Thomas W. Banks, Reg. No. 32,719; Christopher P. Isaac, Reg. No. 32,616; Bryan Kovalick, Reg. No. 32,867; James W. Edrnondson, Reg. No. 33,871; Michael R. McGurk, Reg. No. 32,045; Joann M. Neth, Reg. No. 36,363; Gerson S. C. Diner, Reg. No. 32,409; M. Paul Barker, Reg. No. 32,013; Andrew Chanho Sonu, Reg. No. 33,457; DavidS.
Please Jensen, Reg. No. 28,224; Lori Ann Johnson, Reg. No. 34,498; R. Bruce Bower, Reg. No. 37,099; John Rissman, Reg. No. 33,764; M. Lawrence address all Correspondence to FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER, L.L.P., 1300 I Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, Oliverio, Reg. No. 30,915; Therese Hendricks, Reg. No. 30,389; Leslie I. Bookoff, Reg. No. 38,084; Michele C. Bosch, Reg. No. 40,524; Michael J.