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Displaying 264-278 of 623 results

1002 Exhibit: File History of US RE45,543

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 1002-46 Exhibit - File History of US RE45,543 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 30, 2020)
Any commenls on Ille amount of time you require to complete !his form and/or suggesliOns for reducing this buRlen, should be sent to Ute Chief Information Offlcet, U.S. Patent and Traelemark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O.
Ant commenta on the amount or time you require to complate this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to Iha Ctllef !nfotmallon Ofllcer, U.S. Palllnl and Tmdemark Office, U.S. Department of Comman::e, P.O.
I herebyacimowledge that any willful false statement made in this declaration is punishable unwar 18 U.S.C, 1001 by fine or Imprisonment of not more than five (5} years, or both, I believe the original patent to be wholly or partly inoperative or invalid, for the reasons descrfbed below.
kit ccmmenlll on the Bmounl of lime you reqvlre IO complete lllla form anclto111Ugg88llona for radudng 1h18 buRten, Bllould bit sen1 co Ille C!llef ~ Officer, U.S. Patel'II 1111d TRldemalk Offlce, U.S. Oepattmant of Ccmmen:a, P.O.
S~naw~ek Date s-J,'t./~ot3 Typed or,printed name and title of person signing for assignee (if assigned) Hugh Svendsen, Chief Executive Officer on behalf of Tena Technology, LLC Thlsccltectio.n of information is required by 37 CFR 1.172.
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1061 Exhibit: Amended Scheduling Order Lyft

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 1061-70 Exhibit - Amended Scheduling Order Lyft (P.T.A.B. Apr. 2, 2021)
This deadline does not relieve the Parties of their obligation to seasonably amend if new information is identified after initial contentions.
Deadline to meet and confer to discuss narrowing the number of claims asserted and prior art references at issue.
The parties shall file a Joint Report within 5 business days regarding the results of the meet and confer.
File Joint Pretrial Order and Pretrial Submissions instructions, exhibits lists, witness lists, Gury discovery and deposition designations); file oppositions to motions in limine.
File joint notice identifying remaining objections to pretrial disclosures and disputes on motions in limine.
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1058 Exhibit: Hearing Transcript of March 12, 2021

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 1058-65 Exhibit - Hearing Transcript of March 12, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 18, 2021)
For the first issue, there's good cause to reply to patent owner's argument on the application of NHK Spring and Fintive in view of intervening legal and factual circumstances.
Patent owner's cases do not address circumstances where a petitioner is relying on the provisional date of a prior art reference, but instead relate to motions to amend.
Patent owner's unforeseeable reliance on cases related to motions to amend that diverge from the PTAB's other decisions constitutes good cause to allow a petitioner a reply.
In the institution decision granting review, the PTAB specifically stated that "using this means, petitioner has made an adequate showing that the reference qualifies as prior art."
I further certify that present on behalf of Petitioner Google LLC were Kara A. Specht, Esq., and Erika Harmon Harner, Esq., of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP, and present on behalf of Patent Owner Ikorongo Technology, LLC, were Brett Mangrum of Mangrum Law Group PLLC, and Howard N. Wisnia of Wisnia PC.
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2007 Exhibit: Plaintiffs Opening Claim Construction Brief

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2007-58 Exhibit - Plaintiffs Opening Claim Construction Brief (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2006 Exhibit: Samsungs Invalidity Contentions

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2006-57 Exhibit - Samsungs Invalidity Contentions (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2001 Exhibit: Order Amending Scheduling Order Samsung

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2001-52 Exhibit - Order Amending Scheduling Order Samsung (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2003 Exhibit: Order Amending Scheduling Order LG

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2003-54 Exhibit - Order Amending Scheduling Order LG (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2011 Exhibit: Judge Albright Interview

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2011-62 Exhibit - Judge Albright Interview (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2004 Exhibit: Order Amending Scheduling Order Bumble

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2004-55 Exhibit - Order Amending Scheduling Order Bumble (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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2002 Exhibit: Order Amending Scheduling Order Lyft

Document IPR2021-00127, No. 2002-53 Exhibit - Order Amending Scheduling Order Lyft (P.T.A.B. Feb. 17, 2021)

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1025 Exhibit: Default Protective Order

Document IPR2020-01379, No. 1025-43 Exhibit - Default Protective Order (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2020)

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1009 Exhibit: Ex 1009 US Pat App Pub 20020087496 Stirpe

Document IPR2020-01379, No. 1009-10 Exhibit - Ex 1009 US Pat App Pub 20020087496 Stirpe (P.T.A.B. Aug. 6, 2020)

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1013 Exhibit: Ex 1013 US Pat App Pub 20020069312

Document IPR2020-01379, No. 1013-14 Exhibit - Ex 1013 US Pat App Pub 20020069312 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 6, 2020)

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1021 Exhibit: Ex 1021 Hargraves Comm Dictionary

Document IPR2020-01379, No. 1021-22 Exhibit - Ex 1021 Hargraves Comm Dictionary (P.T.A.B. Aug. 6, 2020)

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1016 Exhibit: Ex 1016 US Patent No 6,549,937 Auerbach

Document IPR2020-01379, No. 1016-17 Exhibit - Ex 1016 US Patent No 6,549,937 Auerbach (P.T.A.B. Aug. 6, 2020)

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