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I herebyacimowledge that any willful false statement made in this declaration is punishable unwar 18 U.S.C, 1001 by fine or Imprisonment of not more than five (5} years, or both, I believe the original patent to be wholly or partly inoperative or invalid, for the reasons descrfbed below.
kit ccmmenlll on the Bmounl of lime you reqvlre IO complete lllla form anclto111Ugg88llona for radudng 1h18 buRten, Bllould bit sen1 co Ille C!llef ~ Officer, U.S. Patel'II 1111d TRldemalk Offlce, U.S. Oepattmant of Ccmmen:a, P.O.
S~naw~ek Date s-J,'t./~ot3 Typed or,printed name and title of person signing for assignee (if assigned) Hugh Svendsen, Chief Executive Officer on behalf of Tena Technology, LLC Thlsccltectio.n of information is required by 37 CFR 1.172.