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Displaying 264-278 of 609 results

1 Power of Attorney: Petitioners Power of Attorney

Document IPR2021-00980, No. 1 Power of Attorney - Petitioners Power of Attorney (P.T.A.B. Jun. 8, 2021)

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1 Power of Attorney: Petitioners Power of Attorney 787 Google

Document IPR2021-00955, No. 1 Power of Attorney - Petitioners Power of Attorney 787 Google (P.T.A.B. May. 19, 2021)

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No. 7-1

Document RFCyber Corp. v. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. et al, 2:20-cv-00335, No. 7-1 (E.D.Tex. Oct. 19, 2020)

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1040 Exhibit: EX1040 Hearing Transcript of May 19, 2022

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 1040-46 Exhibit - EX1040 Hearing Transcript of May 19, 2022 (P.T.A.B. May. 31, 2022)

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2003 Exhibit: Exhibit 2003 EMVCo, LLC, ���A Guide To EMV Chip Technology, Vers...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2003-42 Exhibit - Exhibit 2003 EMVCo, LLC, ���A Guide To EMV Chip Technology, Version 20��� (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2005 Exhibit: Exhibit 2005 Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Co...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2005-44 Exhibit - Exhibit 2005 Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, dated March 1, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2004 Exhibit: Exhibit 2004 RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, Dkt 29...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2004-43 Exhibit - Exhibit 2004 RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, Dkt 29 WD Tex Jan 28, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2006 Exhibit: Exhibit 2006 Exhibit C 2 to Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contention...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2006-45 Exhibit - Exhibit 2006 Exhibit C 2 to Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, dated March 1, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Ap...

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2005 Exhibit: Exhibit 2005 Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Co...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2005 Exhibit - Exhibit 2005 Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, dated March 1, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2003 Exhibit: Exhibit 2003 EMVCo, LLC, ���A Guide To EMV Chip Technology, Vers...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2003 Exhibit - Exhibit 2003 EMVCo, LLC, ���A Guide To EMV Chip Technology, Version 20��� (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2004 Exhibit: Exhibit 2004 RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, Dkt 29...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2004 Exhibit - Exhibit 2004 RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, Dkt 29 WD Tex Jan 28, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 26, 2022)

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2006 Exhibit: Exhibit 2006 Exhibit C 2 to Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contention...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2006 Exhibit - Exhibit 2006 Exhibit C 2 to Apple���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Corp v Apple Inc, No 621 cv 00916 ADA, dated March 1, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 2...

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2002 Exhibit: Ex 2002 Order Dkt 264 in RFCyber Corp v Google LLC, Case No 220 ...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2002-41 Exhibit - Ex 2002 Order Dkt 264 in RFCyber Corp v Google LLC, Case No 220 cv 00274 JRG Lead Case ED Tex, dated February 11, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 14, 2022)

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2001 Exhibit: Ex 2001 Joint Motion to Stay All Deadlines and Notice of Settlement D...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2001-40 Exhibit - Ex 2001 Joint Motion to Stay All Deadlines and Notice of Settlement Dkt 263 in RFCyber Corp v Google LLC, Case No 220 cv 00274 JRG Lead Case ED Tex...

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2002 Exhibit: Ex 2002 Order Dkt 264 in RFCyber Corp v Google LLC, Case No 220 ...

Document IPR2022-00412, No. 2002 Exhibit - Ex 2002 Order Dkt 264 in RFCyber Corp v Google LLC, Case No 220 cv 00274 JRG Lead Case ED Tex, dated February 11, 2022 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 14, 2022)

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