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Displaying 249-263 of 321 results

1004 Exhibit: 1004 Prosecution File History of US 7,835,430 1 of 2

Document IPR2017-00419, No. 1004-7 Exhibit - 1004 Prosecution File History of US 7,835,430 1 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 5, 2016)

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1005 Exhibit: 1005 Prosecution File History of US 7,570,686 1 of 2

Document IPR2017-00419, No. 1005-9 Exhibit - 1005 Prosecution File History of US 7,570,686 1 of 2 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 5, 2016)

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1103 Exhibit: Ex 1103, Declaration of Robert Short

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1103 Exhibit - Ex 1103, Declaration of Robert Short (P.T.A.B. Jun. 8, 2017)

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1002 Exhibit: 1002 FH US8432956 Part1

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1002 Exhibit - 1002 FH US8432956 Part1 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1005 Exhibit: 1005 FH US7570686 Part1

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1005 Exhibit - 1005 FH US7570686 Part1 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1023 Exhibit: 1023 David Bader Declaration

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1023 Exhibit - 1023 David Bader Declaration (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1004 Exhibit: 1004 FH US7835430 Part2

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1004-2 Exhibit - 1004 FH US7835430 Part2 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1003 Exhibit: 1003 FH US8238412 Part2

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1003-2 Exhibit - 1003 FH US8238412 Part2 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: 1008 FH US Prov 60174865

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1008 Exhibit - 1008 FH US Prov 60174865 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1019 Exhibit: 1019 Understanding Digital Subscriber Line Technology

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1019 Exhibit - 1019 Understanding Digital Subscriber Line Technology (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

cite Cite Document

1003 Exhibit: 1003 FH US8238412 Part1

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1003 Exhibit - 1003 FH US8238412 Part1 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1006 Exhibit: 1006 FH US6658052

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1006 Exhibit - 1006 FH US6658052 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1021 Exhibit: 1021 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1021 Exhibit - 1021 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1007 Exhibit: 1007 FH US Prov 60224308

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1007 Exhibit - 1007 FH US Prov 60224308 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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1011 Exhibit: 1011 US6636603 Milbrandt

Document IPR2016-01009, No. 1011 Exhibit - 1011 US6636603 Milbrandt (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2016)

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