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Displaying 234-248 of 269 results

2018 Exhibit: Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibits

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 2018 Exhibit - Patent Owner Demonstrative Exhibits (P.T.A.B. Mar. 6, 2020)
Takahashi’s “Wickless” Heat Pipe (Thermosyphon) “The tips of the peripheral walls (4) and (4) of both plate members (11) and (12) are provided with flanges (17) and (17) ... .” Ex. 1005/1105 at 6:14-22.
Extending Between and Contacting” Limitations: Proposed Combination A POSITA would eliminate Morikawa’s spacers entirely in view of Nakamura.
The “Lip” Limitations: Petitioner’s Proposed Rationale Nos. 1 & 3 • “Petitioner’s argument that the references are ‘similar and analogous’ is not adequate reasoning to support a conclusion of obviousness.” IPR2019-00147, Paper 10 at 28 (denying institution).
The “Lip” Limitations: Petitioner’s Proposed Rationale No. 2 • Assumes a 2-plate construction • Would introduce additional junction points where leakage could occur, which Nakamura teaches should be avoided (Exs. 1004, 2012, 2013, p. 4) • Could create gaps in the capillary structure and adversely affect performance of Nakamura’s and Morikawa’s heat pipes, which a POSITA would have been motivated to avoid Ex. 2002 ¶¶ 154-155; Ex. 2102 ¶¶ 145-146.
The “Hollow Column” Limitations “These spacers can be solid columns, embossed depressions formed in one of the plates, or a mixture of the two.” ’240 Patent at 2:9-11.
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1048 Exhibit: Ex D to Miyano Declaration

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1048 Exhibit - Ex D to Miyano Declaration (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
tm, EC -bkAAFLOMAB3KCSRE S ekote -bhrAFARH >Re SH Bh Beare, RAMA 6 AeA L TREAD BHeeemMAB3s CH MI ZHEA Te -— Fb
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1051 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,745,825

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1051 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,745,825 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
Usually, carbonic acid gas and the like are mixed in the process of manufacturing the heat pipe or exist in the State of the melt in the working fluid.
FIG. 1 a is a Schematic Sectional view illustrating one embodiment of a plate type heat pipe of the present inven tion.
FIG. 2(b) is a side view and shows that alpha is an inclination angle from the horizontal plane of the plate type heat pipe.
For comparison, a plate type heat pipe having a Sealed Single hollow portion without partition walls 110 Separating through holes 11 as shown in FIG. 1 was manufactured.
FIG. 4(b) is a side view and shows that alpha is an inclination angle from the horizontal plane of the plate type heat pipe.
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1016 Exhibit: Aavid Thermalloy LLCs Preliminary Proposed Claims ConstructionPursuant to Patent LR 4 2, Aavid Thermalloy LLC v Cooler MasterCo, Ltd, No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal, dated May 29, 2018

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1016 Exhibit - Aavid Thermalloy LLCs Preliminary Proposed Claims ConstructionPursuant to Patent LR 4 2, Aavid Thermalloy LLC v Cooler MasterCo, Ltd, No 417 cv 05363 J...
If the Court finds a construction is needed, Aavid proposes the same construction of “lip” as above and thus, it would mean “a lip on the edge of the plate that extends around the plate’s circumference” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/circumferential (last visited May 29, 2018): the external boundary or surface of a figure or object: PERIPHERY; Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 10th ed. at 208 (1995): circumference: the external boundary or surface of a figure or object :
If the Court finds a construction is needed, Aavid proposes “an unfilled or empty space defined by structure forming a column” See title of invention; reference 44 in Figs. 1-3; 1:60; 2:10; 2:30-31, 37-40; 3:2-3, 21-24; 4:21-25, 35-36, 52.
If the Court finds a construction is needed, Aavid proposes “protrudes.” In the context of Claims 12 and 13, “projects” refers to the hollow column protruding outwardly relative to said inner surface.
If the Court finds a construction is needed, Aavid proposes “protrudes.” In the context of Claim 1, “projects” refers to the depression protruding into the vapor chamber.
If the Court finds a construction is needed, Aavid proposes “an unfilled or empty space defined by structure forming a column” See title of invention; reference 44 in Figs. 1-3; 2:2, 19, 36-37, 43-46; 3:28-31; 4:22-23, 27-30, 40-41, 58.
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1015 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,817,097

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1015 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,817,097 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2018)
(75) Inventors: David B. Sarraf, Elizabethtown, PA (US); Joel T. Schwendemann s s Lancaster, PA (US) (73) Assignee: Thermal Corp., Stanton, DE (US) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 261 days.
The controlled crush and grooved geom etry of corrugated lid 110 provide good thermal contact without rigid flatness requirements.
If connect ing tubes 160 and/or 170 are present, this tends to equalize any temperature gradients across the plate by allowing all of the heat pipes 113 to operate at the same vapor pressure.
In another variation of the exemplary embodiments, a portion of the condenser section 103 is made into a chamber or reservoir and filled with a noncondensible gas, forming a Variable Conductance Heat Pipe or VCHP.
Preferably, the compression force holding the fuel cells together (e.g., by bolts, not shown) is Sufficient to maintain a good thermal conduction interface between the folded fin 792 and the heat pipe assembly 700.
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1045 Exhibit: Ex A to Miyano Declaration

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1045 Exhibit - Ex A to Miyano Declaration (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
I, Takao Miyano, a patent attorney in Japan, having an address at MARUYAMA & CO., Phoenix Uchihonmachi Bldg.
gb =
SaneR | OM ODEHRPRR BRS mAbED Oe GRO | Yom | coke JESOERUIDEPRR MARE ad rr] ome) fH] (ESE1 Ou} Elm | < mFS
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1039 Exhibit: Part 4 Declaration of Sylvia Hall Ellis PhD

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1039-4 Exhibit - Part 4 Declaration of Sylvia Hall Ellis PhD (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
of liquid nitroSBn, minimum fflm-boiling heet llr.or in (1968) 6558 viecouB- in rtrcrt cylirdrical vortcx chamber with ffnitc ewirl ratio (1969) ?293 irothermal compreeeible, acrorr realing dam with small tilt angle, cornputer pro- eram (1969) l{621 singular perturbation problens, asyrnptot- ie aDrnrioru mthod (1967) 9886 viscous comprelaible fluid- around stationary eylinder, nunprical cal- culationr (f9?0) 5893 fow around orcillrtirg rigid cylirder, nurnericd celculation (f969) 1?2f 0 over ffat plate nunrcricel calculations and st€p Seonrtry (19?0) 1490 vigual obrervetioru throryh redid-blsd€d, centri.fuBel impeller (f968) 161 1?
Devid G., rEed for AR$USDA popdu ' reriee publicrtioru by Sttte extenrion rervieea (1966) 9?96 Hall, Ilelisht, eatalogrrc of Alice Pike Brrrpy npmorigl collection [SOn n g Hrll, &lrrard T., nrnpower potentid in our ethrlc groups (196?)
-le.ome 8., economie cost of hdtcy diseele rrd ielrted diaeescr of rrirnry ryrtam (1970) 6146 Hdler, Henry C.: lo*-imoeriatrlre directondenrirg vrpor- -- ctr"itUer ffn rnd corductiqg fo rrdilton (1968) 1268 rldietorr construtd Ronitiru cvcle sna€€ ---'"f cerir"t, 'double, and blocl-vrpr' chember titube georrctries (1968) 8fii Hrllc.
(1969) 1fi)90 t}ermionic diode heat tranrferred by bypere rod (1966) 13?39 thermophyrical propertier of materiale, Yugoslrv gtudiea (1988) 813 threftrid croraflow heat exchangers, analy- sir (1988) 11882 threphr^ae, transient cord€nsing with freezirg on noniaottrerrnrl inclined plete (1960) 18098 throat he:nt trrnsfer in roclet nozzlea, rlr€ of emrg/ thickncas in p,rediction (1989) 13131 to prrticler ruspen&d in agitet€d liquidr (1968) 7?61 to windwrrd si& of ffrEn6!.rstio 20 cylin- der with rrerly aDherieel ende at Mach nurnber f 6 erd erglet of attrck of 6(F, 7(F, md 9()p (1069) 11160 brnrierrt eolidificction- of fiowirg liquid on cold plate includirg heet capacitier ol frozen layer and plete (1968) 91?0 outcide cooled pipe with application to rclar Brayton he-at receiver (f 969) ll14 trrrnient t4lrrDerrtr.Ire ffeldr in ghelle (1969) r1506 tubea.
Bn2 trrbulent flow in gmoth tubea for reactirg (196{l) {96.1 Nror-NOt svlt€m tr.rrbulerrt for6edconvection, obgerved in near-critical fluido, penetrrtion rmdel dDlsnation (10?0) 921 trrbulirnt liquidrretd, in cherynlr witi heat eouroea tn - ffuidpower-lew velocity proflle, enalyris (1988) 6681 161?8 y homogeneous and lpat trsnsfer with uniform normal strain (1967) 626,1 zero- and reduced-gravity sinnrlation on magnetic-colloid pool.boiling system (r966) 8152 ee tlto Heac-ejso Thermel radiation-alco Therrmdynamics.
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2012 Exhibit: Certified Translation of Nakamura

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 2012 Exhibit - Certified Translation of Nakamura (P.T.A.B. Sep. 13, 2019)
(1,500F2) oh, Utility Model Registration Application [Revenue Stamps] September 18, 1973 To: Japan Patent Office Commissioner Mr. Hideo Saito 1.
This, however, has shortcomings in manufacturing, such asthe difficulty in joining the metal tubes 6 and the exterior walls of the heat pipe 4 by brazing or the like, the occurrence of a coolant leakage from the joints, and the like.
Japanese Unexamined Utility Model Application Publication No. $50-55262 attributable to internal or external pressure during handling or use after manufacture.
Around the time of forming the sealed container 7 by soldering orthe like, the recess joint surfaces 9a can be easily and securely bonded together by applying pressure and heat.
The vaporized coolant is air-cooled, condensed, and returned within the wick 9 to the heating part by capillary action to play the role as a cooler.
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1025 Exhibit: Affidavit of Reuben Chen

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1025 Exhibit - Affidavit of Reuben Chen (P.T.A.B. Jun. 12, 2019)
I have never had an application for admission to practice before any court or administrative body denied.
No sanction or contempt citation has been imposed against me by any court or administrative body.
I will be subject to the USPTO Code of Professional Conduct set forth in 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.101, et seq., and disciplinary jurisdiction under 37 C.F.R. § 11.19(a).
I have applied to appear pro hac vice in docket numbers IPR2015-
proceeding, including the prior art on which Petitioner relies in this request and
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1018 Exhibit: Joint Stipulated Request for Relief from Case Management Scheduleand Proposed Order, Aavid Thermalloy LLC v Cooler Master Co,Ltd, No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal, dated November 14, 2017

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1018 Exhibit - Joint Stipulated Request for Relief from Case Management Scheduleand Proposed Order, Aavid Thermalloy LLC v Cooler Master Co,Ltd, No 417 cv 05363 JS...
Cooler Master's Exhibit No. 1018 Page 1 Pursuant to Civil Local Rules 7-12 and 16-2 and Judge White’s Civil Standing Order and Order Setting Case Management Conference and Requiring Joint Case Management Conference Statement (Dkt. 9), Plaintiff Aavid Thermalloy LLC (hereinafter “Plaintiff”) and Defendants Cooler Master Co., Ltd. and CMI USA, Inc. (hereinafter “Defendants”) (collectively, the “Parties”) stipulate to and respectfully request the Court’s permission for the following: Defendants will each waive service of the Complaint for Patent Infringement filed September 15, 2017 (Dkt. 1) (“Complaint”) and will each answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint on or before February 1, 2018.
The Parties have been actively engaged in discussions to resolve this case, and believe it would conserve judicial and party resources if, with the Court’s permission, the Initial Case Management Conference currently scheduled for December 15, 2017 and the related deadlines could be rescheduled to dates after February 1, 2018.
Accordingly, pursuant to Civil Local Rule 16-2(d), the Parties respectfully propose the following revised case management schedule: Event Complaint Filed Last day to answer or otherwise respond to Complaint Governing Rule
Last day to:  meet and confer re: initial disclosures, early settlement, ADR process selection, and discovery plan  file ADR Certification signed by Parties and counsel (form available at http://www.cand.uscourts.gov)  file either Stipulation to ADR Process or Notice of Need for ADR Phone Conference http://www.adr.cand.uscourts.gov (form available at http://www.cand.uscourts.gov) Last day to file Rule 26(f) Report, complete initial disclosures or state objection in Rule 26(f) Report and file Case Management Statement per Standing Order re Contents of Joint Case Management Statement (also available at http://www.cand.uscourts.gov)
CONFERENCE (CMC) at 11:00 AM in Courtroom 5, 2nd Floor Ronald Dellums Federal Building 1301 Clay Street Oakland, CA 94612 Governing Rule Civil L.R.
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1042 Exhibit: Amended Infringement Contentions Aavid v Cooler Master No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1042 Exhibit - Amended Infringement Contentions Aavid v Cooler Master No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
3-1 and 3-6, Plaintiff Aavid Thermalloy LLC (“Aavid”) makes the following amended disclosures regarding its asserted claims and infringement contentions.
Aavid reserves all rights, consistent with Rule 26(e), to modify, amend, and/or supplement the disclosures made herein as additional information becomes available.
supplied Accused Instrumentalities to these customers or the customers’ contract manufacturers For example, upon information and belief, Defendants have Case No. 4:-17-cv-05363-JSW
Vapor chamber manufacturers, including Cooler Master, know that these products are incorporated into end-products, such as computers, servers or server-related components, graphics cards, gaming consoles, and other electronic devices, that are then used and/or sold in the United States, and imported into the United States, by their customers or their customers’ contract manufacturers.
3-1(h) Defendants are uncertain as to the time of Defendants’ first infringing act, but contend that it occurred at least as early as August 2016.
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1043 Exhibit: Ex A to Amended Infringement Contentions in Aavid v Cooler Master, No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1043 Exhibit - Ex A to Amended Infringement Contentions in Aavid v Cooler Master, No 417 cv 05363 JSW ND Cal (P.T.A.B. Dec. 13, 2019)
The Juniper part has a boundary structure including spaced‐ apart first and second plates that define an enclosed vapor chamber:
The depression comprises an annular outer surface that is sealingly bonded to a corresponding annular edge surface in the second plate, and the perimeter of the opening is defined within a portion of the bonded region such that the opening is isolated from the vapor chamber:
The Juniper part includes at least one spacer positioned within the vapor chamber and extending between and contacting the first and second plates:
The Juniper part includes a depression formed in the first plate which projects into the vapor chamber and is bonded to
The Juniper part’s first and second plates each include a peripheral lip located at an edge of the boundary structure which are bonded together:
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2017 Exhibit: Declaration of J Donald Best in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission Under 37 CFR ¿¿ 4210

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 2017 Exhibit - Declaration of J Donald Best in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission Under 37 CFR ¿¿ 4210 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 15, 2019)
I will be subject to the USPTO Code of Professional Responsibility set forth in 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.101 et seq.
I am an experienced patent litigation attorney, with over 25 years of experience in numerous litigations involving patent claims in District Courts across the country, including experience in jury and bench trials, Markman hearings, and Federal Circuit oral arguments in patent litigation matters.
I am familiar with the subject matter at issue in this proceeding, including (a) U.S. Patent No. 7,100,679, the patent at issue in this matter, (b) the prior art relied upon in the Petition, and (c) the legal and factual arguments made to date, and all prior rulings and decisions by the Board.
Aavid Thermalloy LLC v. Cooler Master Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 4:17-cv-05363- JSW (N.D.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
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2013 Exhibit: Petitioner¿¿¿s Litigation Translation of Nakamura

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 2013 Exhibit - Petitioner¿¿¿s Litigation Translation of Nakamura (P.T.A.B. Sep. 13, 2019)
Japanese Unexamined Utility Model Application Publication 1975-55262 external wall plate as its resolution method is not desirable in terms of heat conductivity.
While the aforementioned method to install Metal pipe 6 is one way to resolve this problem, it is extremely troublesome in terms of manufacturing, as described above, and finding another solution measure is a pressmg issue.
In this case, Concave area 9 is installed only on the bottom surface of Sealed container 7, and Parts to be cooled 10 is installed in direct contact with the top surface of Sealed container 7, therefore, it is superior in the heat conductivity aspect compared to the previously mentioned examples of embodiment.
As it is obvious in the explanation of the aforementioned examples of embodiment, since the parts to be cooled are installed on the heat pipe itself in this invention, the heat conductivity rate is good, and since a concave area that touches the parts to be cooled installation area is installed, the external wall will not deform, and not only is the concave area easily and accurately processed by pressing, etc., but also the connecting work of the connecting surfaces can be done easily and accurately, refrigerant leakage, etc. will not occur.
Japanese Utility Model Applicant Fujitsu Limited Agent, Patent Attorney Suminobu Age
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1024 Exhibit: Biography of Reuben Chen

Document IPR2019-00146, No. 1024 Exhibit - Biography of Reuben Chen (P.T.A.B. Jun. 12, 2019)
Cooler Master Co., Ltd. v. Aavid Thermalloy LLC, IPR2019-00146 Cooler Master Exhibit 1026 0001
Cooler Master Co., Ltd. v. Aavid Thermalloy LLC, IPR2019-00146 Cooler Master Exhibit 1026 0002
Cooler Master Co., Ltd. v. Aavid Thermalloy LLC, IPR2019-00146 Cooler Master Exhibit 1026 0003
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