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Displaying 234-248 of 2,048 results

14 Notice: Decision Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122

Document IPR2014-01089, No. 14 Notice - Decision Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 6, 2015)

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19 Decision: Granting, Granting in Part, and Denying Motions for Joinder

Document IPR2016-01023, No. 19 Decision - Granting, Granting in Part, and Denying Motions for Joinder (P.T.A.B. Oct. 27, 2016)

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13 Termination Settlement: Termination Settlement

Document IPR2016-00272, No. 13 Termination Settlement - Termination Settlement (P.T.A.B. Jan. 7, 2016)

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11 Order: Decision on Motion for Joinder

Document IPR2014-01543, No. 11 Order - Decision on Motion for Joinder (P.T.A.B. Oct. 24, 2014)

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15 Institution Decision: Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes RevewDenying Petitioners Motion for Joinder

Document IPR2015-01045, No. 15 Institution Decision - Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes RevewDenying Petitioners Motion for Joinder (P.T.A.B. Oct. 7, 2015)

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28 Order: Order conduct of proceedings

Document IPR2013-00638, No. 28 Order - Order conduct of proceedings (P.T.A.B. Aug. 15, 2014)

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32 Other: Decision Institution of Inter Partes Review 37 CFR 42108

Document IPR2017-00176, No. 32 Other - Decision Institution of Inter Partes Review 37 CFR 42108 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 21, 2017)

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10 Institution Decision: Decision Denying Relief

Document IPR2014-00061, No. 10 Institution Decision - Decision Denying Relief (P.T.A.B. Oct. 29, 2013)

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13 Order: Decision Granting Revised Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122

Document IPR2014-00858, No. 13 Order - Decision Granting Revised Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 2, 2014)

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14 Order: Decision Granting Revised Motion for Joinder IPR2014 01017

Document IPR2014-01073, No. 14 Order - Decision Granting Revised Motion for Joinder IPR2014 01017 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 18, 2014)

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28 Other: IPR2016 00919 Decision to Institute and Grant of Joinder

Document IPR2015-01979, No. 28 Other - IPR2016 00919 Decision to Institute and Grant of Joinder (P.T.A.B. Sep. 8, 2016)

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41 Notice: Decision Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122b

Document IPR2015-00196, No. 41 Notice - Decision Motion for Joinder 37 CFR 42122b (P.T.A.B. Nov. 24, 2015)

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10 Institution Decision: Decision to Institution of Inter Partes Review and Decision on Joinder

Document IPR2014-00557, No. 10 Institution Decision - Decision to Institution of Inter Partes Review and Decision on Joinder (P.T.A.B. Jun. 13, 2014)

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11 Institution Decision: Decision Denying Joinder and Denying Institution of Inter P...

Document IPR2014-00978, No. 11 Institution Decision - Decision Denying Joinder and Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review (P.T.A.B. Oct. 30, 2014)

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13 Institution Decision: Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review 37 CFR 4...

Document IPR2014-00558, No. 13 Institution Decision - Decision Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review 37 CFR 42108 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 23, 2014)

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