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Displaying 2439-2453 of 11,744 results

David Garcia, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 11-11035, Supreme Court of the United States (June 25, 2012)

cite Cite Docket

Bensam Swakeen, Applicant v. New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

Docket 08A378, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 20, 2008)

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Alexander Spillman, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 09-6309, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 8, 2009)

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James Oberson, Petitioner v. Bureau of Ferry Aviation and Transportation, et al.

Docket 03-7371, Supreme Court of the United States (Nov. 13, 2003)

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Thomas King, Applicant v. Gary Greene, Superintendent, Green Meadow Correctio...

Docket 06A798, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 9, 2007)

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Paul Cortez, Applicant v. New York

Docket 13A860, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 25, 2014)

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Emmanuel Patterson, Petitioner v. Michael Graziano, et al.

Docket 16-5925, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 14, 2016)

cite Cite Docket

Payman Norasteh, Applicant v. New York

Docket 08A107, Supreme Court of the United States (July 29, 2008)

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Eldrid Sequeira, Petitioner v. Rachel Sequeira

Docket 14-1405, Supreme Court of the United States (May 28, 2015)

cite Cite Docket

Winford Kent Bishop, Applicant v. Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First...

Docket 09A578, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 8, 2009)

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William Constant, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 04-6367, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 21, 2004)

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Roger L. Hueber, Jr., Petitioner v. New York

Docket 11-5301, Supreme Court of the United States (July 14, 2011)

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Samuel Edelman, et ux., Petitioners v. New York State Department of Taxation and...

Docket 18-1570, Supreme Court of the United States (June 24, 2019)

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Deidre Holmes Clark, Petitioner v. Allen & Overy, LLP

Docket 15-6397, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 5, 2015)

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Paul Smith, et ux., Petitioners v. Town of Mendon, New York, et al.

Docket 04M77, Supreme Court of the United States (June 6, 2005)

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