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Displaying 2349-2363 of 11,744 results

Phillip A. Taylor, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 06-7907, Supreme Court of the United States (Nov. 22, 2006)

cite Cite Docket

Michael Taylor, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 15-7186, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 1, 2015)

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Sororazam Bethune, Petitioner v. MTA/Long Island Bus, et al.

Docket 17-8000, Supreme Court of the United States (March 6, 2018)

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Malquan R. Junious, Applicant v. New York

Docket 17A323, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 21, 2017)

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Jose Joaquin Ramirez, Petitioner v. Joseph Aponte, et al.

Docket 18-5425, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 2, 2018)

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Francis A. Affronti, et al., Petitioners v. Jonathan Lippman, etc., et al.

Docket 00-1907, Supreme Court of the United States (June 22, 2001)

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Robert Largo, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 18-7828, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 7, 2019)

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Dante Taylor, Applicant v. New York

Docket 18A940, Supreme Court of the United States (March 18, 2019)

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Ziaunnisa Lodhi, Applicant v. New York

Docket 05A951, Supreme Court of the United States (April 17, 2006)

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Andre Batista, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 08-10336, Supreme Court of the United States (May 13, 2009)

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Margaret Campise, Applicant v. New York Commissioner of Labor

Docket 18A431, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 16, 2018)

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Gloria Deanna Dickerson, Petitioner v. United Way of New York City, et al.

Docket 14-9012, Supreme Court of the United States (March 24, 2015)

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River Center LLC, Petitioner v. Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

Docket 11-922, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 25, 2012)

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Judy Knox and Eliezer Cintron, Petitioners v. New York

Docket 08-10454, Supreme Court of the United States (May 19, 2009)

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Orville Wynter, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 10-6359, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 10, 2010)

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