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Displaying 2184-2198 of 11,738 results

Richard Lyon, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 15-5027, Supreme Court of the United States (June 30, 2015)

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Jamel Bell, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 10-9518, Supreme Court of the United States (March 16, 2011)

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John Manning Regan, Petitioner v. New York State Department of Civil Service, et a...

Docket 01-891, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 19, 2001)

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677 New Loudon Corporation, dba Nite Moves, Petitioner v. New York Tax Appeals...

Docket 13-38, Supreme Court of the United States (July 9, 2013)

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David Garcia, Petitioner v. Mark Bradt, Superintendent, Attica Correctional Facility

Docket 12-8892, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 26, 2013)

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Keith Haywood, Petitioner v. Curtis Drown, et al.

Docket 07-10374, Supreme Court of the United States (April 15, 2008)

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Anwar Haque, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 10-320, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 3, 2010)

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Edward Koehl, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 06-6182, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 29, 2006)

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Charles R. Thibeault, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 10-8474, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 19, 2011)

cite Cite Docket

Gino Rudolph Cobos, Petitioner v. Robert Dennison, Chairman, New York State Div...

Docket 06-11374, Supreme Court of the United States (May 21, 2007)

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Christopher Slavin, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 14-5029, Supreme Court of the United States (July 2, 2014)

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Angelo Ramos, aka Adam Ramos, Applicant v. New York

Docket 08A381, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 21, 2008)

cite Cite Docket

Andrew Corrigan, Petitioner v. Stellar Management, LLC, et al.

Docket 13M98, Supreme Court of the United States (March 19, 2014)

cite Cite Docket

James Robinson, Petitioner v. Dale Artus, Superintendent, Clinton Correctional Fac...

Docket 04-7315, Supreme Court of the United States (Nov. 22, 2004)

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Maria Calderon, Petitioner v. Evergreen Owners, Inc., et al.

Docket 10-5643, Supreme Court of the United States (July 30, 2010)

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