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Displaying 144-158 of 182 results

1031 Exhibit: USP 4,841,975 Woolson

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1031-21 Exhibit - USP 4,841,975 Woolson (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)
A consider able amount of the operative time in total knee replace ment surgery is expended in positioning and attaching the alignment instruments and in double-checking their placement, which is essential since any system may fail and have to be overruled by the experienced eye of the surgeon.
For example, in an article in Volume 97 (June 1979) of Fortschritte der Medizin on page 781-784 entitled “Ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung Alloplastischer Spezilimplantate fur den Becken-Teilersatz”, a method of preparing alloplas tic implants is described in which a three-dimensional model of a patient’s pelvis is constructed by assembling Styrofoam sheets made from computer tomography
Total knee replacement is a common orthopaedic surgical procedure currently performed over 150,000 times each year in the US The clinical results of many operations are excellent with complete relief of pain, improvement in function, restoration of motion, and correction of deformity in over 90% of the cases.
Reproducing the mechanical axis at surgery is pres ently done by one of two different techniques, which use either the external bone landmarks at the hip and ankle joints or the medullary canal of the femur or a combination of these two systems for alignment.
These intramedullary systems require the surgeon to estimate the placement of a drill hole into the distal femur at a central location in the bone for intro duction of a small diameter rod into the medullary canal to produce the correct component alignment.
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1092 Exhibit: PCT Pub WO 98 32384 Robie PCT

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1092-37 Exhibit - PCT Pub WO 98 32384 Robie PCT (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)
zw Slovenia Slovakia Senegal Swaziland Chad Togo Tajikistan Turkmenistan Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Ukraine Uganda United States of America Uzbekistan Viet Nam Yugoslavia Zimbabwe
The gap checking part is the device which enables the surgeon to balance the patient's knee in flexion and extension before any of the femoral cuts are made.
As shown most clearly in Fig. 10, the gap checking 20 device 40 includes slots 70, 72, 74, 76 and 78 which, as explained below, guide the blades used to shape the surface of the femur to receive the femoral component of the prosthesis.
patient's femur to establish an epicondylar reference axis, said device including: a frame having pair of spaced apart parallel arms and carrying respective inwardly opposed locator means for positioning proximate said epicondyles; and a stylus extending through said horizontal section and slidable with respect thereto, said stylus adapted to engage the trochlear groove of said femur.
A device for 2 patient's femur according to claim 9 wherein: said frame includes an adjustment apparatus to 4 vary the horizontal spacing between said locator means.
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1039 Exhibit: USP 4,436,684 White

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1039-29 Exhibit - USP 4,436,684 White (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)
Though exact measurement and accurate conformation are desirable in the construction of implantable prosthe ses for reconstructive surgery, non-invasive direct mea surement of internal anatomic tissue structures is not available by present methods and not practicable for the fabrication of prostheses.
Typically, the body 11 is method of the present invention, interpolating, form or curve ?tting, scaling and translating are manipulations moved‘ through a stationary scanning station at which particularly useful in constructing external andimplant the x-ray measurements along the several paths in each XY plane are obtained by rotating oppositely disposed able prostheses and mold cavities for casting models of selected internal structures.
For example, dible 10 can be obtained directly from the digital data the cross sectional representations of the anatomy can generated by the computerized x-ray tomographic sys be enhanced by selectively narrowing the gray scale tem l3 and stored in its memory 36.
within the scanning station 22 and/or tilting the gantry Such aids are used to determine the XY planar coordi» nates of the reconstructed surface representation 12 in 24 relative to the mobil table 21 so that the reference line 54 is generally perpendicular to the plane of the each cross section 20', the third coordinate being given x-ray beam 14.
More speci?cally, trolled by the machine tool controller 63 in accordance with the cylindrical coordinate data derived from the each of the vertical lead‘ screws 66a and 66b extends series of oblique cross sectional representations of the between one of the reversible motors 43a and 43b and one of the cooperating journals 44a and 44b.
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1004 Exhibit: PCT Pub WO 00 35346 Alexander

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1004-4 Exhibit - PCT Pub WO 00 35346 Alexander (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1006 Exhibit: USP 6,712,856 Carignan

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1006-6 Exhibit - USP 6,712,856 Carignan (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1010 Exhibit: EP 0 908 836 Vomlehn

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1010-10 Exhibit - EP 0 908 836 Vomlehn (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1009 Exhibit: USP 5,098,383 Hemmy

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1009-9 Exhibit - USP 5,098,383 Hemmy (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1012 Exhibit: USP 6,575,980 Robie

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1012-12 Exhibit - USP 6,575,980 Robie (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1206 Exhibit: Clark Transcript in IPR2017 00115

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1206-63 Exhibit - Clark Transcript in IPR2017 00115 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 2, 2018)

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2014 Exhibit: ConforMIS Exhibit 2014

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 2014-50 Exhibit - ConforMIS Exhibit 2014 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 24, 2017)

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1219 Exhibit: Clark 2018 02 23 Depo Transcript

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1219-64 Exhibit - Clark 2018 02 23 Depo Transcript (P.T.A.B. Mar. 2, 2018)

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1033 Exhibit: Radermacher et al, CAOS 1998

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1033-23 Exhibit - Radermacher et al, CAOS 1998 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1035 Exhibit: US Pub 2004 0117015 Biscup

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1035-25 Exhibit - US Pub 2004 0117015 Biscup (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1001 Exhibit: USP 7,534,263

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1001 Exhibit - USP 7,534,263 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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1036 Exhibit: USP 4,759,350 Dunn

Document IPR2017-00544, No. 1036-26 Exhibit - USP 4,759,350 Dunn (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2016)

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