CBM2015-00101, No. 1013 Exhibit - Exhibit 1013 CBM 2014 178 013 PAPER NO 01 Petition (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1013 Exhibit - Exhibit 1013 CBM 2014 178 013 PAPER NO 01 Petition (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1016 Exhibit - Exhibit 1016 Corrective Entry to Special Masters Report and Recommendation re Claim Construction (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1016 Exhibit - Exhibit 1016 Corrective Entry to Special Masters Report and Recommendation re Claim Construction (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1005 Exhibit - Exhibit 1005 US Patent 5,799,086 Sudia (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1005 Exhibit - Exhibit 1005 US Patent 5,799,086 Sudia (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1010 Exhibit - Exhibit 1010 Texas Instruments, TMS7000 Family Microarchitecture, Users Guide, November 1982 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1010 Exhibit - Exhibit 1010 Texas Instruments, TMS7000 Family Microarchitecture, Users Guide, November 1982 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1018 Exhibit - Exhibit 1018 Microsoft Computer Dictionary (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1018 Exhibit - Exhibit 1018 Microsoft Computer Dictionary (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1006 Exhibit - Exhibit 1006 HAWKES, INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CARDS, TAGS AND TOKENS (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1006 Exhibit - Exhibit 1006 HAWKES, INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CARDS, TAGS AND TOKENS (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1021 Exhibit - Exhibit 1021 Declaration of Peter Alexander (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1021 Exhibit - Exhibit 1021 Declaration of Peter Alexander (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1022 Exhibit - Exhibit 1022 Curriculum Vitae of Peter Alexander (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1022 Exhibit - Exhibit 1022 Curriculum Vitae of Peter Alexander (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1008 Exhibit - Exhibit 1008 Lancaster, Hardware Hacker (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1008 Exhibit - Exhibit 1008 Lancaster, Hardware Hacker (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1011 Exhibit - Exhibit 1011 Hersch, Microcontroller primer and FAQ, Internet posting on USENET Jan 26, 1994 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1011 Exhibit - Exhibit 1011 Hersch, Microcontroller primer and FAQ, Internet posting on USENET Jan 26, 1994 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1002 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 USP 6105013 File History (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1002 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 USP 6105013 File History (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1001 Exhibit - US Patent 6105013 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1001 Exhibit - US Patent 6105013 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1007 Exhibit - Exhibit 1007 Axelson, Microcontroller Idea Book Cover, TOC, Intro, and Ch 1 ONLY (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1007 Exhibit - Exhibit 1007 Axelson, Microcontroller Idea Book Cover, TOC, Intro, and Ch 1 ONLY (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1003 Exhibit - Exhibit 1003 US Patent 6237095 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1003 Exhibit - Exhibit 1003 US Patent 6237095 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1012 Exhibit - Exhibit 1012 CBM 2014 179 510 PAPER NO 11 Institution Decision (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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CBM2015-00101, No. 1012 Exhibit - Exhibit 1012 CBM 2014 179 510 PAPER NO 11 Institution Decision (P.T.A.B. Mar. 23, 2015)
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