Patel-Schneider, P. F., Brachman, R. J. and Levesque, H. J. ARGON: Knowledge Representation meets Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the First Conference on Applica tions of Artificial Intelligence, IEEE, Dec. 1984, pp.
Yen, J. Neches, R. and DeBellis, M., Specification by Reformulation: A Paradigm for Building Integrated User Support Environments, Proceedings of the National Confer ence on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, Aug. 1988, pp.
While this method has been effective in 25 some cases, it has the natural drawback that it often requires a substantial amount of time and effort, by both computer software engineers and experts in the particular field of application, to produce a useful product.
In a preferred embodiment, the processor 110 may com prise an IBM-compatible PC configured to be able to 50 execute the MicroSoft Windows 3.0 and DOS 3.1 software, and having a hard disk drive, a mouse, and a VGA display.
For example, the text string "DANIEL" would match the tri grams "xxD", "xDA", "DAN", "ANI", "NIB", "IEL", "ELx", and "Lxx", where "x" is the special initial/final character.