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201 results

LBT IP I LLC v. Apple Inc.

Docket 1:19-cv-01245, Delaware District Court (July 1, 2019)
Judge Leonard P. Stark, presiding.

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Apple Inc. v. LBT IP I LLC

Docket IPR2020-01189, Patent Trial and Appeal Board (July 22, 2020)

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48 Final written decision On remand: Determining No Remaining Challenged Claims...

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 48 Final written decision On remand - Determining No Remaining Challenged Claims Unpatentable 35 USC §§ 144, 318a (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2023)

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48 Final Written Decision On remand from the CAFC: Determining No Remaining Ch...

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 48 Final Written Decision On remand from the CAFC - Determining No Remaining Challenged Claims Unpatentable 35 USC §§ 144, 318a (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2023)

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43 Order Other: Order Conduct of the Proceeding 37 CFR 425

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 43 Order Other - Order Conduct of the Proceeding 37 CFR 425 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 22, 2023)

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42 Other other court decision: CAFC Opinion

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 42 Other other court decision - CAFC Opinion (P.T.A.B. Jul. 24, 2023)

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41 Other Fed Circuit mandate: CAFC Mandate

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 41 Other Fed Circuit mandate - CAFC Mandate (P.T.A.B. Jul. 24, 2023)

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47 Other other: PO Reply Brief on Remand

Document IPR2020-01189, No. 47 Other other - PO Reply Brief on Remand (P.T.A.B. Sep. 20, 2023)

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