IPR2019-00449, No. 8 Rehearing Request in re Petition Institution Decision Denied - PETITIONER¿¿¿S REQUEST FOR REHEARING PURSUANT TO 37 CFR ¿¿ 4271d (P.T.A.B. Sep. 3, 2019)
The Board noted that Petitioner relied on its earlier anticipation arguments and that, significantly, Petitioner was relying on its argument that “none of the recited [ethanol and benzyl alcohol] ranges…have been shown to have any criticality ...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 8 Rehearing Request in re Petition Institution Decision Denied - PETITIONER¿¿¿S REQUEST FOR REHEARING PURSUANT TO 37 CFR ¿¿ 4271d (P.T.A.B. Sep. 3, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 6 Notice - Patent Owners Mandatory Notices (P.T.A.B. May. 21, 2019)
The patent owner provides the following notice pursuant to 37 CFR §42.8(a)(2).
Real parties-in-interest [no change] Neurelis, Inc. (“Neurelis”) owns the involved patent.
Related matters [no change] The petitioner has filed two additional inter partes review petitions (IPR2019-00450 and IPR2019-00451) against the involved patent.
Neurelis has an application (15/470,498) that claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. 120 to the application that issued as the involved patent.
Date: 21 May 2019 /Richard Torczon/ Richard Torczon Reg. No. 34,448
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IPR2019-00449, No. 6 Notice - Patent Owners Mandatory Notices (P.T.A.B. May. 21, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 5 Preliminary Response - Patent Owners Preliminary Response (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
Claims 8-10 and 15 deserve their claimed priority Aquestive contends that “[w]hile Cartt’865 does disclose that alcohols may be present in the following ranges (all prefaced with ‘about’), none of the following disclosed ranges correspond ...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 5 Preliminary Response - Patent Owners Preliminary Response (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 4 Mandatory Notice - Patent Owners Mandatory Notices (P.T.A.B. Feb. 19, 2019)
The patent owner provides the following notice pursuant to 37 CFR §42.8(a)(2).
Real parties-in-interest Neurelis, Inc. (“Neurelis”) owns the involved patent.
Related matters The petitioner has filed two additional inter partes review petitions
Neurelis has an application (15/470,498) that claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. 120 to the application that issued as the involved patent.
above counsel, is of record for the involved patent.
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IPR2019-00449, No. 4 Mandatory Notice - Patent Owners Mandatory Notices (P.T.A.B. Feb. 19, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1 Power of Attorney - Power of Attorney (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
In accordance with 37 CPR.
I have authority to sign this document on behalf of Petitioner Aquestive ra eutics, Inc. Mar Schobel Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc.
Title: Chief Innovation & Technology Officer I] te
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1 Power of Attorney - Power of Attorney (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2001-67 Exhibit - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epilepsy Fast Facts 9 Apr 2019, available at httpswwwcdcgovepilepsyaboutfast factshtmCDC AA refValhttps%...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2001-67 Exhibit - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epilepsy Fast Facts 9 Apr 2019, available at httpswwwcdcgovepilepsyaboutfast factshtmCDC AA refValhttps%3A%2F%2Fwwwcdc
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2003-69 Exhibit - Howard LeWine, MD, Quick Injection Helps Stop Epileptic Seizures, Harvard Health Blog 23 Feb 2012, available at httpswwwhealthharvard edublogquick in...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2003-69 Exhibit - Howard LeWine, MD, Quick Injection Helps Stop Epileptic Seizures, Harvard Health Blog 23 Feb 2012, available at httpswwwhealthharvard edublogquick injection helps
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2004-70 Exhibit - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Putting Collective Wisdom to Work for People with Epilepsy Nov 2016 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2004-70 Exhibit - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Putting Collective Wisdom to Work for People with Epilepsy Nov 2016 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2002-68 Exhibit - Food Drug Administration, Grant Fast Track IND 112621 NRL 1 diazepam intranasal solution 27 Dec 2016 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2002-68 Exhibit - Food Drug Administration, Grant Fast Track IND 112621 NRL 1 diazepam intranasal solution 27 Dec 2016 (P.T.A.B. May. 6, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2005-71 Exhibit - KM Fiest et al, Prevalence and Incidence of Epilepsy, A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of International Studies, 88 Neurology 296 17 Jan 2017 (P.T...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 2005-71 Exhibit - KM Fiest et al, Prevalence and Incidence of Epilepsy, A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of International Studies, 88 Neurology 296 17 Jan 2017 (P.T.A.B. May. 6
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1004-11 Exhibit - Part 7 Pages 2101 2450 File History for 546 Patent, Ser No 13495,942 546 FH (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1004-11 Exhibit - Part 7 Pages 2101 2450 File History for 546 Patent, Ser No 13495,942 546 FH (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1020-36 Exhibit - Meezan et al, US Patent No 5,661,130, Absorption Enhancers For Drug Administration, issued August 26, 1997 Meezan130 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1020-36 Exhibit - Meezan et al, US Patent No 5,661,130, Absorption Enhancers For Drug Administration, issued August 26, 1997 Meezan130 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 28, 2019)
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1014-30 Exhibit - Gwozdz et al, WO 2009120933, Pharmaceutical Solutions And Method For Solubilizing Therapeutic Agents, published October 1, 2009, International Filing...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1014-30 Exhibit - Gwozdz et al, WO 2009120933, Pharmaceutical Solutions And Method For Solubilizing Therapeutic Agents, published October 1, 2009, International Filing Date March 27
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1046-64 Exhibit - Provisional Patent Application No 61040,281, Pharmaceutical Solutions and Method for Solubilizing Therapeutics Agents, filed March 28, 2008, Gwozdz, G...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1046-64 Exhibit - Provisional Patent Application No 61040,281, Pharmaceutical Solutions and Method for Solubilizing Therapeutics Agents, filed March 28, 2008, Gwozdz, Gwozdz ¿¿¿281
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1035-51 Exhibit - Davis, Delivery of peptide and non peptide drugs through the respiratory tract, Pharmaceutical Science Technology Today, Vol 2, No 11 November 1999, p...
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IPR2019-00449, No. 1035-51 Exhibit - Davis, Delivery of peptide and non peptide drugs through the respiratory tract, Pharmaceutical Science Technology Today, Vol 2, No 11 November 1999, pages 450 456
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