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Displaying 9-16 of 16 results

No. 13 - Motion to Amend Registration (No Fee)

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 13 (T.T.A.B. Oct. 15, 2024)
In the matter of Trademark Reg. No.: 3524558 Registered: October 28, 2008 Mark: CLEO ‘ .
Stipulated Motion to Amend Registration and Withdraw Petition to Cancel Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.114(c), 2.133, and 2.173(b) and TBMP §§ 514.012 and 601.02, Petitioner Digilock Asia Ltd. (“Digilock”or “Petitioner”) and Respondent Roser Co., Ltd. “Roser”or “Respondent”) hereby jointly move as follows.
Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.173 and § 2.6(a)(11)(iii), no fee is due because the amendmentconsists solely ofthe deletion of goods.
Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.193(e)(6), Roser’s verification of the requested amendmentis attached to this Motion.
Subject to and conditioned upon the Board’s approval of the above amendment, Digilock withdrawsthe Petition without prejudice pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.173(c).
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No. 11 - Digilock Asia Ltd. Motion for Ext with Consent

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 11 (T.T.A.B. Sep. 20, 2024)
Proceeding No. 92085222 Filing Party Other Party Plaintiff Digilock Asia Ltd.
Defendant Roser Co., Ltd.
Consent Motion to Extend The Time to Answer is currently set to close on 09/23/2024.
Digilock Asia Ltd. requests that such date be ex- tended for 30 days, or until 10/23/2024, and that all subsequent dates be reset accordingly.
Time to Answer Deadline for Discovery Conference Discovery Opens Initial Disclosures Due Expert Disclosures Due Discovery Closes Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due Defendant's Brief Due Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due 10/23/2024 11/22/2024 11/22/2024 12/22/2024 04/21/2025 05/21/2025 07/05/2025 08/19/2025 09/03/2025 10/18/2025 11/02/2025 12/02/2025 01/31/2026 03/02/2026 03/17/2026 03/27/2026 The grounds for this request are as follows: - Parties are engaged in settlement discussions Digilock Asia Ltd. has secured the express consent of all other parties to this proceeding for the extension and resetting of dates requested herein.
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No. 9 - Digilock Asia Ltd. Motion for Ext with Consent

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 9 (T.T.A.B. Aug. 23, 2024)
Proceeding No. 92085222 Filing Party Other Party Plaintiff Digilock Asia Ltd.
Defendant Roser Co., Ltd.
Consent Motion to Extend The Time to Answer is currently set to close on 08/24/2024.
Digilock Asia Ltd. requests that such date be ex- tended for 30 days, or until 09/23/2024, and that all subsequent dates be reset accordingly.
Time to Answer Deadline for Discovery Conference Discovery Opens Initial Disclosures Due Expert Disclosures Due Discovery Closes Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due Defendant's Brief Due Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due 09/23/2024 10/23/2024 10/23/2024 11/22/2024 03/22/2025 04/21/2025 06/05/2025 07/20/2025 08/04/2025 09/18/2025 10/03/2025 11/02/2025 01/01/2026 01/31/2026 02/15/2026 02/25/2026 The grounds for this request are as follows: - Parties are engaged in settlement discussions Digilock Asia Ltd. has secured the express consent of all other parties to this proceeding for the extension and resetting of dates requested herein.
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No. 7 - Roser Co., Ltd. Motion for Ext with Consent

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 7 (T.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2024)
Proceeding No. 92085222 Filing Party Other Party Defendant Roser Co., Ltd.
Plaintiff Digilock Asia Ltd.
Consent Motion to Extend The Time to Answer is currently set to close on 07/25/2024.
Roser Co., Ltd. requests that such date be ex- tended for 30 days, or until 08/24/2024, and that all subsequent dates be reset accordingly.
Time to Answer Deadline for Discovery Conference Discovery Opens Initial Disclosures Due Expert Disclosures Due Discovery Closes Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due Defendant's Brief Due Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due 08/24/2024 09/23/2024 09/23/2024 10/23/2024 02/20/2025 03/22/2025 05/06/2025 06/20/2025 07/05/2025 08/19/2025 09/03/2025 10/03/2025 12/02/2025 01/01/2026 01/16/2026 01/26/2026 The grounds for this request are as follows: - Parties are engaged in settlement discussions Roser Co., Ltd. has secured the express consent of all other parties to this proceeding for the extension and resetting of dates requested herein.
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No. 5 - Digilock Asia Ltd. Motion for Ext with Consent

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 5 (T.T.A.B. Jun. 14, 2024)
Proceeding No. 92085222 Filing Party Other Party Plaintiff Digilock Asia Ltd.
Defendant Roser Co., Ltd.
Consent Motion to Extend The Time to Answer is currently set to close on 06/25/2024.
Digilock Asia Ltd. requests that such date be ex- tended for 30 days, or until 07/25/2024, and that all subsequent dates be reset accordingly.
Time to Answer Deadline for Discovery Conference Discovery Opens Initial Disclosures Due Expert Disclosures Due Discovery Closes Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due Defendant's Brief Due Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due 07/25/2024 08/24/2024 08/24/2024 09/23/2024 01/21/2025 02/20/2025 04/06/2025 05/21/2025 06/05/2025 07/20/2025 08/04/2025 09/03/2025 11/02/2025 12/02/2025 12/17/2025 12/27/2025 The grounds for this request are as follows: - Parties are engaged in settlement discussions Digilock Asia Ltd. has secured the express consent of all other parties to this proceeding for the extension and resetting of dates requested herein.
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No. 1 - Filed and Fee

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 1 (T.T.A.B. May. 14, 2024)
Speciically, none of the goods sold or used in commerce by Respondent comprise “metal locks.” 20826226.1 3 18.
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No. 15

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 15 (T.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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No. 4

Document Digilock Asia Ltd. v. Roser Co., Ltd., 92085222, No. 4 (T.T.A.B. Jun. 12, 2024)

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