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Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis

Docket 91294376, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Oct. 1, 2024)
Case TypeOpposition
DeadlineCONFERENCE, DISCOVERY, DISCLOSURE AND TRIAL SCHEDULE Time to Answer Deadline for Discovery Conference Discovery Opens Initial Disclosures Due Expert Disclosures Due Discovery Closes Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due Defendant's Brief Due Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due 11/16/2024 12/16/2024 12/16/2024 1/15/2025 5/15/2025 6/14/2025 7/29/2025 9/12/2025 9/27/2025 11/11/2025 11/26/2025 12/26/2025 2/24/2026 3/26/2026 4/10/2026 4/20/2026
Applicant Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis
Opposer Jofebar, S.A.
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No. 2 - Notice and Trial Dates Sent; Answer Due:

Document Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis, 91294376, No. 2 (T.T.A.B. Oct. 7, 2024)
An answer filed on paper under these limited circumstances must be accompanied by a Petition to the Director (and the required fee under Trademark Rule 2.6).
participation must be made either through ESTTA, or by telephone call to the assigned interlocutory attorney named on the TTABVUE record for this proceeding.
During their conference, the parties are to discuss whether they wish to seek mediation or arbitration, and whether they can stipulate to the Board's Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) process for a more efficient and cost -effective means of obtaining the Board’s determination of the proceeding.
Regarding the procedures and deadlines for pretrial disclosures and trial, and specifically the noticing, taking, serving and submitting of evidence and testimony, see Trademark Rules 2.120(k), 2.121, 2.122, 2.123 and 2.125, as well as TBMP Chapter 700.
Effective August 3, 2019, the USPTO amended its rules to require applicants, registrants or parties to a proceeding whose domicile is not located within the U.S. or its territories to be represented by an attorney who is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a state in the U.S., including the District of Columbia or any Commonwealth or territory.
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No. 5

Document Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis, 91294376, No. 5 (T.T.A.B. Jan. 14, 2025)

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No. 4

Document Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis, 91294376, No. 4 (T.T.A.B. Nov. 7, 2024)

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No. 1

Document Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis, 91294376, No. 1 (T.T.A.B. Oct. 1, 2024)

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No. 6

Document Jofebar, S.A. v. Orama Minimal Frames Estairia Periorismenis Efthynis, 91294376, No. 6 (T.T.A.B. Jan. 14, 2025)

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