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Displaying 9-13 of 13 results

No. 1 - Filed and Fee

Document NOW! Media, Inc. v. NFT Now Media, Inc., 91291409, No. 1 (T.T.A.B. May. 10, 2024)
First Use: None First Use In Commerce: None All goods and services in the class are opposed, namely: Providing on-line videos featuring non- fungible tokens, block chain topics, art, information technology, cryptocurrencies, fashion, ...
... NONE Word mark Design mark NOWMEDIA Foreign priority date NONE Description of mark Goods/services NONE Class 035. First use: First Use: None First Use In Commerce: None Outsource service provider in the field of business ...
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No. 11 - Suspended

Document Now! Media, Inc. v. NFT Now Media, Inc., 91291409, No. 11 (T.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2024)
Accordingly, proceedings are suspended, subject to the right of either party to request resumption at any time.1 Trademark Rule 2.117(c).
In the event that there is no word from either party, proceedings shall resume on October 24, 2024 without further notice or order from the Board, upon the schedule set forth in the motion.
1 The parties should note that if proceedings are suspended for a lengthy period of time pursuant to the filing of several motions to suspend for settlement, the Board retains discretion to condition the approval of any future consented or stipulated motion to suspend on a party or the parties providing necessary information about the status of settlement talks, discovery activities, or trial activities, as may be appropriate.
The parties may stipulate to a wide variety of matters, and many requirements relevant to the trial phase of Board proceedings are set forth in Trademark Rules 2.121 through 2.125.
Oral argument at final hearing will be scheduled only upon the timely submission of a separate notice as allowed by Trademark Rule 2.129(a).
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No. 9 - Suspended

Document Now! Media, Inc. v. NFT Now Media, Inc., 91291409, No. 9 (T.T.A.B. Aug. 19, 2024)
Accordingly, proceedings are suspended, subject to the right of either party to request resumption at any time.1 Trademark Rule 2.117(c).
In the event that there is no word from either party, proceedings shall resume on September 16, 2024 without further notice or order from the Board, upon the schedule set forth in the motion.
1 The parties should note that if proceedings are suspended for a lengthy period of time pursuant to the filing of several motions to suspend for settlement, the Board retains discretion to condition the approval of any future consented or stipulated motion to suspend on a party or the parties providing necessary information about the status of settlement talks, discovery activities, or trial activities, as may be appropriate.
The parties may stipulate to a wide variety of matters, and many requirements relevant to the trial phase of Board proceedings are set forth in Trademark Rules 2.121 through 2.125.
Oral argument at final hearing will be scheduled only upon the timely submission of a separate notice as allowed by Trademark Rule 2.129(a).
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No. 7 - Proceedings Resumed

Document Now! Media, Inc. v. NFT Now Media, Inc., 91291409, No. 7 (T.T.A.B. Aug. 5, 2024)
Ashley D. Hayes, Interlocutory Attorney: Opposer’s motion (filed July 10, 2024) to strike Applicant’s second through seventh affirmative defenses and reservation of rights to plead additional defenses is GRANTED as conceded.1 See Trademark Rule 2.127(a).
1 The Board deems proceedings suspended as of the filing of Opposer’s July 10, 2024 motion to strike.
Generally, the Federal Rules of Evidence apply to Board trials.
The parties may stipulate to a wide variety of matters, and many requirements relevant to the trial phase of Board proceedings are set forth in Trademark Rules 2.121 through 2.125, 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.121-2.125.
Such briefs should utilize citations to the TTABVUE record created during trial, to facilitate the Board’s review of the evidence at final hearing.
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No. 6 - Suspend Pending Disposition of Outstanding Motion

Document Now! Media, Inc. v. NFT Now Media, Inc., 91291409, No. 6 (T.T.A.B. Jul. 17, 2024)
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board P.O.
NFT Now Media, Inc. Ashley D. Hayes, Interlocutory Attorney: Proceedings are SUSPENDED pending disposition of Opposer’s motion (filed July 10, 2024) to strike Applicant’s second through seventh affirmative defenses.
Any paper filed during the pendency of this motion which is not relevant thereto will be given no consideration.
Trademark Rule 2.127(d).
The motion to strike will be decided in due course.
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