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Docket 88628168, Trademark (Sept. 24, 2019)
Case TypeTrademark
ClassHair care preparations, namely, mousse gels, pomades, hair styling lotions, and molding resins; 001; 004; 006; 050; 051; 052
Original Registrant The Vancouver Hand Made Product Co. Ltd.
cite Cite Docket

Registration Certificate

Document DENOUE, 88628168, Registration Certificate (Trademark Pros. Hist. Aug. 3, 2021)
Cl.: 3 Trademark Principal Register The Vancouver Hand Made Product Co. Ltd. (CANADA limited company (ltd.) ) 2100 - 1075 West Georgia Street Vancouver, Bc, CANADA V6E3C9 CLASS 3: Hair care preparations, namely, mousse gels, pomades, hair styling lotions, and molding resins
* Grace Period Filings* The above documents will be accepted as timely if filed within six months after the deadlines listed above with the payment of an additional fee.
*ATTENTION MADRID PROTOCOL REGISTRANTS: The holder of an international registration with an extension of protection to the United States under the Madrid Protocol must timely file the Declarations of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) referenced above directly with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The deadlines and grace periods for the Declarations of Use (or Excusable Nonuse) are identical to those for nationally issued registrations.
With the exception of renewal applications for registered extensions of protection, you can file the registration maintenance documents referenced above online at http://www.uspto.gov.
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Notice of Acceptance of Statement of Use

Document DENOUE, 88628168, Notice of Acceptance of Statement of Use (Trademark Pros. Hist. Jul. 1, 2021)
Owner: The Vancouver Hand Made Product Co. Ltd. Docket/Reference Number: 669-266 The USPTO has accepted the Statement of Use filed for the trademark application identified above.
The mark will now register and the registration certificate will issue in due course barring any extraordinary circumstances.
Please check the status of the application at least every three (3) months after the application filing date.
NOTE: This notice will only become available on-line the next business day after receipt of this e-mail.
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TRAM Snapshot of App at Pub for Oppostn

Document DENOUE, 88628168, TRAM Snapshot of App at Pub for Oppostn (Trademark Pros. Hist. Jul. 1, 2021)
Trademark Snap Shot Publication Stylesheet (Table presents the data on Publication Approval)
The Vancouver Hand Made Product Co. Ltd. 2100 - 1075 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E3C9 99-limited company (ltd.) Canada
Hair care preparations, namely, mousse gels, pomades, hair styling lotions, and molding resins
07/01/2021 06/30/2021 06/18/2021 06/17/2021 06/15/2021 06/17/2021 06/15/2021 06/15/2021 06/15/2021 The English translation of "DENOUE" in the mark is "LOOSE".
The Vancouver Hand Made Product Co. Ltd. 2100 - 1075 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E3C9 99-limited company (ltd.) Canada
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TEAS RF New Application

Document DENOUE, 88628168, TEAS RF New Application (Trademark Pros. Hist. Sep. 24, 2019)
PTO Form 1478 (Rev 09/2006) OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 02/28/2021) Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register Serial Number: 88628168 Filing Date: 09/24/2019 The table below presents the data as entered.
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
Other appointed attorneys are Daniel A. Scola Jr., Salvatore J. Abbruzzese, Michael I. Chakansky, John S. Sopko, Andrea M. Wilkovich, Stephen J.
Matthew J. Solow submitted the following statement: The attorney of record is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or any U.S. Commonwealth or territory.
To the best of the signatory's knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, the allegations and other factual contentions made above have evidentiary support.
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Document DENOUE, 88628168, Drawing (Trademark Pros. Hist. Sep. 24, 2019)

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