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Docket 88103124, Trademark (Sept. 4, 2018)
ClassBottoms as clothing; Dresses; Footwear; Headwear; Leggings; Outerwear, namely, coats, jackets, sweaters, hoodies, hats, gloves, scarves; Shorts; Tops as clothing; Underwear; 022; 039
Original Applicant Sone-Turner, Sandra
cite Cite Docket

Offc Action Outgoing

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, Offc Action Outgoing (Trademark Pros. Hist. Aug. 15, 2019)
Additionally, the evidence from The American Heritage Dictionary, attached to the December 17, 2018 office action and hereby incorporated by reference, demonstrates that "girl" means "a female child."
The evidence from applicant's website, attached to the December 17, 2018 office action and hereby incorporated by reference, demonstrates that a consumer of the applied-for goods are female children.
Applicant may respond to this issue by submitting a disclaimer in the following format: No claim is made to the exclusive right to use “LEGGING GIRL.COM” apart from the mark as shown.
If black, white, and/or gray represent background, outlining, shading, and/or transparent areas and are not part of the mark, applicant must so specify in the description.
Private companies not associated with the USPTO use public information available in trademark registrations to mail and email trademark-related offers and notices – most of which require fees.
cite Cite Document

Offc Action Outgoing

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, Offc Action Outgoing (Trademark Pros. Hist. Dec. 17, 2018)
Applicant may respond to this issue by submitting a disclaimer in the following format: No claim is made to the exclusive right to use “GIRL.COM” apart from the mark as shown.
Indo-European & Semitic Roots Appendices Tholsands of entnfi in the dictionary include etyrnologiei that trace their origins back to reconstructed promlanguages, You can obtain more information about these forms in our online appendices: man—European Routs SezmilicRoots See word lists from the best selling 100 Words Series!
The trademark examining attorney assigned by the USPTO to your application has written an official letter to which you must respond.
(2) RESPOND WITHIN 6 MONTHS (or sooner if specified in the Office action), calculated from 12/17/2018, using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) response form located at http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/teas/response_forms.jsp.
(3) QUESTIONS about the contents of the Office action itself should be directed to the trademark examining attorney who reviewed your application, identified below.
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XSearch Search Summary

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, XSearch Search Summary (Trademark Pros. Hist. Aug. 6, 2019)

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Amendment and Mail Process Complete

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, Amendment and Mail Process Complete (Trademark Pros. Hist. Aug. 3, 2019)

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TEAS Petition to Revive Abandon Applic

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, TEAS Petition to Revive Abandon Applic (Trademark Pros. Hist. Jul. 26, 2019)

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Notice Of Revive Application

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, Notice Of Revive Application (Trademark Pros. Hist. Jul. 26, 2019)

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Notice of Abandonment

Document LEGGING GIRL.COM, 88103124, Notice of Abandonment (Trademark Pros. Hist. Jul. 15, 2019)

cite Cite Document
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