Freedom Mortgage Corporation Plaintiff, -against- Bradford Pitts, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and "JOHN DOE #1" through "JOHN DOE #10", the last ten names being fictitious and unknown to the plaintiff, the person or parties intended being the persons or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants.
The plaintiff, by its attorneys, Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman, & Gordon, LLP, complaining of the defendants herein allege, upon information and belief, as follows:
and mortgage by failing and omitting to pay, to the plaintiff, payments due on September 01, 2024 and said default has continued for a period in excess of fifteen (15) days.
That the monies received from the sale be brought into Court and that plaintiff be paid the amount adjudged to be due it with interest thereon to the time of such payment, together with late charges, any sums paid by the plaintiff for real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents, insurance premiums, sums expended for the protection or preservation of the property, together with attorneys' fees as demanded in the second cause of action, the costs and disbursements of this action and any other necessary expenses to protect the lien of the mortgage to the extent that the amount of such monies applicable thereto will pay the same;
a judgment foreclosure of of whether you choose to remain in your home, YOUAREREQUIRED Regardless TOTAKECAREOFYOURPROPERTYand pay property taxes in accordance with state and local law.