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James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al

Docket 654732/2019, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (Aug. 19, 2019)
Joel M. Cohen, presiding
Case TypeCommercial Division
TagsCommercial Division, Commercial, Civil
Plaintiff - Petitioner James Fosshage DR.
Defendant - Respondent Think Water Partners, LLC
Defendant - Respondent WWW Asia Holdings, LLC
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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 31 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 10, 2020)
The following e-filed documents, listed by NYSCEF document number (Motion 001) 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 were read on this motion to
The motion is denied as moot, without prejudice, in light of the parties’ stipulation of discontinuance (NYSCEF 30).
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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 26 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Nov. 25, 2019)
Because none of the Opposition’s arguments refute—or, in most cases, even respond to— Movants’ dispositive arguments, the Complaint should be dismissed.
However, none of these contract provisions supports the declaratory relief Plaintiff seeks.
Yet, the Opposition rebuts none of Movants’ arguments and thereby abandons Plaintiff’s claim to injunctive relief.
Yet, Movants already established that none of the at-issue corporate governance documents require the WWWH Board to vote on such financing.
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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 25 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Nov. 6, 2019)
Plaintiff, Dr. James Fosshage, by his undersigned counsel, Mary Ann Kricko, respectfully submits this memorandum of law in opposition to Defendants’ joint motion to dismiss the complaint (“Complaint”) pursuant to CPLR §§ 3211(a)(1), (3) and (7) (“Motion”).
The Plaintiff also seeks injunctive relief precluding WWWH from voting it’s 25% membership to approve further indebtedness in WWWAsia without first obtaining the necessary written consent required by the preferred stockholders’ protective provisions.
al. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al. Index 654732/2019 Page 9 of 21 To answer the question of whether a stockholder's claim is direct or derivative, the reviewing court must look to the body of the complaint and consider the nature of the wrong alleged and the relief requested.
The coordination committee, loyal to the Think directors, violated Dr. Fosshage’s protective provisions rights as a preferred stockholder by failing to request his written consent despite committee’s vote of Michael McDonald approving the financing.
Michael McDonald, a proclaimed “Wild Turkey” celebrator when the Fosshage family is mistreated by the Think group and a loyal executive to Prashant Mitta and Ravi Reddy, votes to protective these pre- emptive rights at WWWAsia.
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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 30 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 10, 2020)

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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 24 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Oct. 28, 2019)

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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 14 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Oct. 18, 2019)

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Document James Fosshage Dr. v. Think Water Partners, LLC et al, 654732/2019, 19 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Oct. 18, 2019)

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