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Zev Vogel v. Eddid Securities, USA, Inc. et al

Docket 651348/2025, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (Mar. 8, 2025)
Case TypeCommercial - Other (Fin.Law 191 Labor Law 740)
TagsCommercial, Civil, Other, fin.law 191 Labor
Plaintiff Zev Vogel
Defendant Eddid Securities, USA, Inc.
Defendant Hui fai Li A/K/A Tom Li
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Document Zev Vogel v. Eddid Securities, USA, Inc. et al, 651348/2025, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Mar. 8, 2025)
He specifically cited the inadequate due diligence process, the potential conflicts of interest from the integration of the investment banking and research teams, and the unrealistic valuation of AMTD Digital.
The issues raised by the Plaintiffs were summarily dismissed by his superiors all while they simultaneously admitted they lacked the ability and knowledge of relevant rules and regulations to properly carry out the underwriting for the AMTD IPO.
On or about August 5, 2022, Plaintiff became increasingly concerned with EDDID Securities USA, Principal, Mr. Tommy Li communicating directly with the SEC regarding the ongoing investigation without the guidance of legal counsel.
Despite Plaintiff’s repeated urgings, he faced enormous resistance from Tommy Li and, later, from Jerry Tse, CEO of EDDID Securities to seek legal Counsel for proper advice regarding the nature of the SEC inquiry.
It became increasingly clear that, without the installation of proper compliance measures and due diligence protocols, any attempts to engage in ethical business, or close legitimate deals were futile.
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