So too, “the determination of a trier of fact as to issues of credibility is given substantial deference, as a trial court's opportunity to observe and evaluate the testimony and demeanor of the witnesses affords it a better perspective from which to assess their credibility.” James J. Kim, L.A.C., P.C. v Allstate Ins. Co. 2023 NY Slip Op 50587(U) App.
The Master Arbitrator, in accordance with the above legal standards upheld the Award stating, “the [No-Fault Arbitrator] NFA made a factual determination that Applicant’s evidence (including its peer review rebuttals) sustained its burden of persuasion in establishing medical necessity for all the disputed services” and thus, “Appellant is simply asking the undersigned to conduct an impermissible de novo review of the factual record in the hope that I weigh the evidence in its favor.” 45.
The Supreme Court has specifically rejected, numerous times, Petitioner’s current argument that arbitrators must adjudicate defenses of lack-of-medical-necessity consistent with the platform of judicial summary judgment.
As this Court noted in Fresh Meadows Medical Associates v. Liberty Mutual Ins., “[e]ffective December 1, 1977… the Insurance Law was amended to provide that the ‘claimant shall also be entitled to recover his attorney’s reasonable fee, which shall be subject to limitations promulgated by the superintendent in regulations.’” 65 A.D.2d 431 (footnote 2) App. Div.
Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney duly admitted to practice in the courts of the State of New York, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasonable inquiry, the contention contained in the annexed documents are not frivolous Dated: December 9, 2024