"JANE DOE #1 -5"said names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises being foreclosed herein Defendants.
of FEIN, SUCH & CRANE, LLP, attorneys for the Plaintiff setting forth the prior proceedings and the various procedural facts which entitle the Plaintiff to the requested relief, and upon proof of due service thereof; NOW, ON MOTION, of FEIN, SUCH & CRANE, LLP, attorneys for Plaintiff, it is ORDERED, that Plaintiff‘s motion is granted and the Answer of Defendant, JAMES T. SEDDIO, be and the same hereby is stricken, and Plaintiffis entitled to judgment by default against Defendant, JILL SEDDIO, and it is further ORDERED, that the Summons and Complaint and Notice of Pendency of this action and all proceedings had herein be and the same hereby are deemed amended, by substituting the name of the Defendant JILL SEDDIO as "JANE DOE #1 "and that the title of this action be and the same is hereby amended accordingly, all without prejudice to the proceedings already had herein; and it is further ORDERED, that the names "JOHN DOE #1-5" and "JANE DOE #2-5", inclusive, be severed and stricken from the caption herein and that the action be discontinued as to them, all of the foregoing without prejudice to any of the proceedings heretofore had herein or to be had herein with the caption hereinafier to read as follows: 20f4
R«,c«,IV4,D WSCEF: 12/12/2018 ORDERED that the scope of the referee’s duties is defined by this order of reference (CPLR 4311, CPLR 4313, RPAPL §1321); and it is further ' ORDEREDthat the referee is directed to compute the amounts due and owing to the plaintifi' and determine whether the premieres can be sold in parcels; and it is further ORDERED that, notwithstanding any other language herein to the contrary, if the defendant-borrower(s) has any evidence he/she wants to submit to the referee in granting judgment in the plaintiff’s favor with written notice of its entry.
N0 further notice of the computation from the referee to the defendant borrower(s) is required; and it is further ORDERED that, notwithstanding any other language herein to the contrary, there shall be no hearing to compute the amounts due the plaintiff without further application to the court; MH’ is Q'JJ‘U‘ ‘ ORDERED, that the non-appearing, non—answering defendants are hereby deemed in default; and it is further
a proxisiou for compliance with the Suffolk Count} Lorul Rule for filing, ol‘llle Foreclosure Action Surplus Monies lonuipursumr to Suliolk County Aduiiuislmliw Order #41-13,