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United States of America v. Osiris Collado

Docket 601989/2025, New York State, Nassau County, Supreme Court (Jan. 28, 2025)
Case TypeCommercial - Contract
TagsCommercial, Civil, Contract
Plaintiff United States of America
Defendant Osiris Collado
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Document United States of America v. Osiris Collado, 601989/2025, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Jan. 28, 2025)
The undersigned, attorney at law of the State ofNew York, affirms that s/tre is the attorney of record for the plaintiff herein and states that the disbursements above specified are correct and true and have been or will necessarily be made or incurred herein and are reasonable in amount and affirms this statement to be true under the penalties of perjury.
Dated: January 24,2025 JUDGMENT entered,tir2dday of Janu ary,2O25 On filing the foregoing affidavit of Confession of Judgment made by the Defendant herein, sworn to the ,s day of January,2025, NOW, ON MOTION OF Joseph Rosenberg, Esq., Assistant United States Attorney, attorney for Plaintiff it is ADJUDGED THAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, c/o United States AttoTney, Southern District of New York, plaintiff, residing at 26 FederalPlaza,3Tth Floor, New York, New York 10278 does recover of OSIRIS COLLADO, suretor for Sandro Collado, residing at 94 St. Marks Avenue, Freeport, New York l1520,the sum of $150,000 with interest of -0- making a total of $150,000, together with $-0- costs and disbursements, amounting in all to the sum of $150,000.
Defendant authorizes entry ofjudgment in favor of Plaintiff UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in Nassau County, New york.
The confession ofjudgment is for a debt justty due to the plaintiffarising from the following facts: Defendant signed a personal recognizance bond on behalfofSandro collado in the matter of United States of America against Sandro collado, Southern District of New York, Docket No. 25 Mag.
lt is specifically agreed that this Judgment shall constitute a lien on property located at 213 North long Beach Avenue, Freeport, New York I1520.
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Document United States of America v. Osiris Collado, 601989/2025, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Jan. 28, 2025)
Defendant authorizes entry of judgment in favor of Plaintiff UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICAin Nassau County, NewYork.
The confession of judgment following facts: is for a debt justly due to the plaintiff entry thereof against arising from the Defendant signed a personal recognizance bond on behalf of Sandro Collado in the matter of United States of America against Sandro Collado, of NewYork, Docket No. 25 Mag.
116, obligating Southern District Defendant to pay $150,000 to the United States of America upon Order of of NewYork, the United States District Court, Southern District finding Sandro Collado in default of his bond.
It this Judgment shall agreed that a lien on property located is specifically constitute 213 North Long Beach Avenue, Freeport, NewYork 11520.
OF NEWYORK No. 01DU6127708 Qualified in Nassau County My Eerntwinian liineirae
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Document United States of America v. Osiris Collado, 601989/2025, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Jan. 28, 2025)
United States Attorney Southern District of New York 26 Federal Plaza, 37th Floor New York, New York 10278 Plaintiff, -against-
The undersigned, attorney at law of the State of New York, affirms that s/he is the attorney of record for the plaintiff herein and states that the disbursements above specified are correct and true and have been or will necessarily be made or incurred herein and are reasonable in amount and affirms this statement to be true under the penalties of perjury.
Dated: January 24, 2025
JUDGMENT entered this _____ day of January, 2025 On filing the foregoing affidavit of Confession of Judgment made by the Defendant herein, sworn to the ____ day of January, 2025.
NOW, ON MOTION OF Joseph Rosenberg, Esq., Assistant United States Attorney, attorney for Plaintiff it is ADJUDGED THAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, c/o United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, plaintiff, residing at 26 Federal Plaza, 37th Floor, New York, New York 10278 does recover of OSIRIS COLLADO, suretor for Sandro Collado, residing at 94 St. Marks Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520, the sum of $150,000 with interest of -0- making a total of $150,000, together with $-0- costs and disbursements, amounting in all to the sum of $150,000.
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