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Alvarez v. The Walsh Group Ltd
Division | Jacksonville |
Flags | CLOSED |
Cause | 15:0002(a) Fair Labor Standards Act |
Case Type | 710 Labor - Fair Labor Standards Act |
Tags | 710 Labor, Fair Labor Standards Act, 710 Labor, Fair Labor Standards Act |
Plaintiff | Alvarez |
Defendant | The Walsh Group LTD |
Plaintiff | Joyce E. Alvarez |
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James v. Primerica Life Insurance Company
Division | Orlando |
Demand | $200,000 |
Cause | 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract |
Case Type | 110 Insurance |
Tags | 110 Insurance, 110 Insurance |
Deadline | CASE MANAGEMENT AND SCHEDULING ORDER: Amended Pleadings due by 10/11/2024 Joinder of Parties due by 10/11/2024 Discovery due by 11/3/2025 Dispositive motions due by 12/1/2025 Pretrial statement due by 3/30/2026 All other motions due by 3/26/2026 Plaintiff disclosure of expert report due by 9/2/2025 Defendant disclosure of expert report due by 10/6/2025 Final Pretrial Conference set for 4/9/2026 at 02:00 PM in Orlando Courtroom 6 C before Judge Julie S. Sneed Jury Trial set for 5/4/2026 at 09:00 AM in Orlando Courtroom 6 C before Judge Julie S. Sneed. |
Plaintiff | James |
Defendant | Primerica Life Insurance Company |
Plaintiff | Karen James |
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Coyle v. Commissioner of Social Security
Division | Tampa |
Flags | MAGTRL |
Cause | 42:205 Denial Social Security Benefits |
Case Type | 863 Social Security - DIWC/DIWW |
Tags | 863 Social Security, Diwc / Diww, 863 Social Security, Diwc / Diww |
Plaintiff | Coyle |
Defendant | Commissioner of Social Security |
Plaintiff | Shirley R. Coyle |
... |

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