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Gadrow et al v. Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc. et al
Division | Newport News |
Flags | JURY |
Demand | $9,999,000 |
Cause | 28:1332 Diversity-Tort/Non-Motor Vehicle |
Case Type | 360 Personal Injury - Other |
Tags | 360 Personal Injury, Personal Injury, Tort, Civil, Other, 360 Personal Injury, Personal Injury, Tort, Civil, Other |
Plaintiff | Robert Gadrow |
Plaintiff | Amy Wright |
Defendant | Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc. |
... |

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Helmlinger v. Town of Ashland, Virginia et al
Division | Richmond |
Flags | JURY |
Cause | 28:1331 Fed. Question-Violation of Due Process |
Case Type | 440 Civil Rights - Other |
Tags | 440 Civil Rights, Other, 440 Civil Rights, Other |
Plaintiff | Jason Helmlinger |
Defendant | Town of Ashland, Virginia |
Defendant | Douglas A. Goodman, Jr |
... |

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Hawkins v. USA

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Empower AI, Inc. v. Dillahay
Division | Alexandria |
Flags | JURY |
Demand | $622,000 |
Cause | 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract |
Case Type | 190 Contract - Other |
Tags | 190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other, 190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other |
Plaintiff | Empower AI, Inc. |
Defendant | Paul A. Dillahay |
Defendant | Dillahay |

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No. 14 MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER that Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (Dkt. 2) is DENIED

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No. 1 Complaint ( Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AVAEDC-9346845

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