EPA IPM Summary Run Results Projections for Continental U.S. 2023 Reference Case All costs and prices are in 2022-year dollars
National Wholesale Electricity Price (mills/kWh) Natural Gas Prices (2022 $/MMBtu) Henry Hub Delivered Minemouth Coal Prices (2022 $/MMBtu) Appalachia Imports Interior Waste Coal West National TOTAL CAPACITY (Cumulative GW) Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables Biomass Geothermal Landfill Gas Solar Wind Distributed Solar PV Coal Coal without CCS IGCC without CCS Coal with CCS Energy Storage Nuclear Natural Gas CC without CCS CC with CCS
Other Grand Total NEW HARDWIRED CAPACITY (Cumulative GW) Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables Biomass Geothermal Landfill Gas Solar Wind Coal Coal without CCS IGCC without CCS Coal with CCS Energy Storage Nuclear Natural Gas CC without CCS CC with CCS
CC Retirements Coal Retirements CT Retirements Nuclear Retirements O/G Retirements IGCC Retirements Biomass Retirements Fuel Cell Retirements Fossil_Other Retirements Geothermal Retirements Hydro Retirements Landfill Gas Retirements Non Fossil_Other Retirements Energy Storage Retirements Grand Total GENERATION MIX (thousand GWh) Hydro Non-Hydro Renewables Biomass Biomass Co-firing Geothermal Landfill Gas Solar Wind Distributed Solar PV Coal Coal without CCS (Biomass Co-firing is included) IGCC without CCS Coal with CCS Energy Storage 2028 2028 2028 1,141 2030 2030 2030 1,329 2035 2035 2035 2,229 1,483 2040 2040 2040 3,097 2,236 1,167 2045 2045 2045 4,032 1,194 2,800 1,313 2050 2050 2050 4,094 1,230 2,818 1,427 2055 2055 2055 4,200 1,268 2,880 Nuclear Natural Gas CC without CCS CC with CCS
Coal Use by Region (million tons) Power Sector Appalachia Imports Interior Waste Coal West Non-Power Sector Appalachia Interior West Power Sector Coal Use by Rank (million tons) Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite Natural Gas Use (Trillion cubic feet) 1,652 1,612 4,418 1,670 1,635 4,560 1,344 1,302 4,981 5,348 5,825 6,080 1,107 1,050 6,345 2028 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 Note: Distributed Solar PV are not included in the Grand Total of "Total Capacity" and "Generation Mix"