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L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, C...

Docket 24-410, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 11, 2024)
Petitioner L.M.
Respondent Middleborough School Committee, Carolyn J. Lyons, Superintendent, Middleborough Public Schools, in her official capacity, and Heather Tucker, Principal, John T. Nichols Middle School, in her official capacity
Respondent Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al.
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Reply of petitioner L M filed - Proof of Service

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Reply of ...
Supreme Court of the Anited States
Petitioner, Vv.
I HEREBY CERTIFY thatall parties required to be served, have been served, on this 7” day of February, 2025, in accordance with U.S. Supreme Court Rule 29.3, three (3) copies of the foregoing REPLY BRIEF FOR PETITIONERbyplacingsaid copies in FEDERAL EXPRESS, PRIORITY OVERNIGHT,addressed aslisted below.
< wn May, v w PIER, s, Sorta e fa RES oe SEXP, -06/14/2026" “%?
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Reply of petitioner L M filed - Main Document

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Reply of ...
That no actual disruption occurred shows that none could be reasonably forecast.
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Reply of petitioner L M filed - Certificate of Word Count

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Reply of ...
Supreme Court of the United States L.M.
a minorby and throughhis father and stepmother and natural guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Vv.
CAROLYN J. LYONS, Superintendent, Middleborough Public Schools, in her official capacity; HEATHER TUCKER,Acting Principal, Nichols Middle School, in herofficial capacity, Respondents.
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(h), I certify that the Reply Brief for Petitioner contains 2,986 words, excluding the parts of the brief that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(d).
Executed on February 6, 2025 =o RoRY T.UGRAY
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Brief of respondents Middleborough - Certificate of Word Count

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Brief of re...
Supreme Court of the Anited States
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(h), I certify that the document contains 8,930 words, excluding the parts of the document that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(d).
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
NoTAaRY PUBLIC District of Columbia
serrrleye SafPB Be zie & & oO: zain, “bm FoF % Xp Lo o#&¢ 4.
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Brief of respondents Middleborough - Main Document

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Brief of re...
On other occasions, L.M. had worn shirts to school displaying messages including “Don’t Tread on Me,” “First Amendment Rights,” and “Let’s Go Brandon”— none of which he was asked to remove.
Nonetheless, the Sev- enth Circuit concluded that the high school had still failed to meet an evidentiary burden to support the school’s forecast of material disruption.
None of them ar- ticulated a bright-line rule barring a school from consid- ering the reaction of other students when assessing the school’s forecast of disruption.
cite Cite Document

Brief of respondents Middleborough - Proof of Service

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Brief of re...
three (3) copies of the BRIEF OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on January 21, 2025,
NICHOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL, IN HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY IN OPPOSITIONin the above- captioned case were served, as required by U.S. Supreme Court Rule 29.5(c), on the following:
gag, Sthey FLEE wd 2 fe sw Ok = feos - sO % PyGo to: intx, 2G mEiE = 4th %, JontN SW OA&< : a” en “Gy i tee nger™ ‘ Ao RS Ny vz ¥ Y a +6.
“ Stree NoteRy PUBLIC District of Columbia ws .
My commission expires April 30, 2029. .
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Brief amici curiae of Americas Future et - Proof of Service

Document L. M, a Minor, By and Through His Father and Stepmother and Natural Guardians, Christopher and Susan Morrison, Petitioner v. Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts, et al., 24-410, Brief ami...
I am retained by Counsel of Record for Amicus Curiae America’s Future, Public Advocate of the United States, Public Advocate Foundation, Free Speech Coalition, Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, U.S.
That on the 20th day of December, 2024, I served the within Brief Amicus Curiae of America’s Future, Public Advocate of the United States, Public Advocate Foundation, Free Speech Coalition, Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, U.S.
by sending three copies of same, addressed to each individual listed above respectively, through Federal Express Overnight Mail.
That on the same date as above, I sent to this Court forty copies of the within Brief Amicus Curiae of America’s Future, Public Advocate of the United States, Public Advocate Foundation, Free Speech Coalition, Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, U.S.
Notary Public State of New York No. 01BR6004935 Qualified in Richmond County Commission Expires March 30, 2026 #130806
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