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Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Docket 2023-SCB-000135, District Of Columbia, Superior Court (Jan. 27, 2023)
Judge Small Claims, Philip A Medley, Raquel Trabal, Stephen Rickard, presiding
Case TypeTort
TagsTort, Civil
Plaintiff Fiona Edwards
Defendant KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
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Hearing Notice

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (12/04/2024)
Jonathan A Barnes Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP 277 S Washington St Suite 550 Alexandria VA 22314
You are named in a lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
To Join by Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone: 1) Copy and Paste or Type the link into a web browser and enter the Webex Meeting ID listed below.
4) To change your method of hearing participation, visit www.dccourts.gov/hearing-information for instructions and forms.
To ask for an interpreter or translation, please contact the Clerk’s Office at the telephone number at the top of the first page of this notice.
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Hearing Notice

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (12/04/2024)
You are named in a lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
To Join by Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone: 1) Copy and Paste or Type the link into a web browser and enter the Webex Meeting ID listed below.
4) To change your method of hearing participation, visit www.dccourts.gov/hearing-information for instructions and forms.
Interpreting and Translation Services: The D.C. Courts offers free language access services to people having business with the court who are deaf or who are non-English speakers.
To ask for an interpreter or translation, please contact the Clerk’s Office at the telephone number at the top of the first page of this notice.
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Hearing Notice

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (12/04/2024)
Gloria R Cannon Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP 277 S Washington Street Suite 550 Alexandria VA 22314
You are named in a lawsuit filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
To Join by Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone: 1) Copy and Paste or Type the link into a web browser and enter the Webex Meeting ID listed below.
4) To change your method of hearing participation, visit www.dccourts.gov/hearing-information for instructions and forms.
To ask for an interpreter or translation, please contact the Clerk’s Office at the telephone number at the top of the first page of this notice.
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Stipulation/Settlement Agreement

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (11/13/2024)
Superior Court ofthe District of Columbia
Civil Division - Small Claims and Conciliation Branch
WILL THE CLERK OF THE COURT,byjoint requestof the parties hereto, please enter the above-captioned matter as DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICEastoall claims asserted by Plaintiff against Defendant and with each party to bear its own costs and expense.
The parties to the instant action have reached a mutually agreeable resolution of this lawsuit, the terms and conditions of which are memorialized ina formal, written, private settlement agreement.
277 S. Washington Street, Suite 550 Alexandria, VA 22314
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Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (10/29/2024)

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Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (10/24/2024)

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Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Document Fiona Edwards v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 2023-SCB-000135 District Of Columbia, Superior Court (10/24/2024)

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