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TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez

Docket 20-297, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 8, 2020)
Petitioner TransUnion LLC
Respondent Sergio Ramirez
Respondent Sergio L. Ramirez
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Judgment REVERSED and case REMANDED

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Judgment REVERSED and case REMANDED (U.S. Jun. 25, 2021)
As to the two claims related to the mailings, Judge McKeown would have held that none of the 8,185 class members other than the named plaintiff Ramirez had standing as to those claims.
As for the claims pertaining to the format of TransUnion’s mailings, none of the 8,185 class members other than the named plaintiff Ramirez suffered a concrete harm.
... alone still be insufficient to open the courthouse doors? What about falsely labeling a person a racist? In- cluding a slur on the report? Or what about openly reduc- ing a person’s credit score by several points because of his race? If none ...
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Brief amicus curiae of the United States

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Brief amicus curiae of the United States (U.S. Feb. 8, 2021)
Petitioner does not dispute, however, that none of the class members were SDNs, or that additional identifiers (such as date of birth) could have been used to verify the accuracy of the OFAC alerts.
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Brief amicus curiae of the United States - Proof of Service

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Brief amicus curiae of the United States, Proof of Service (U.S. Feb. 8, 2021)
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(h), I certify that the document contains 8,892 words, excluding the parts of the document that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(d).
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on February 8, 2021.
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Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed - Main Document

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed, Main Document (U.S. Mar. 19, 2021)
Second, none of Ramirez’s authorities involves a context like this, where the internal publication is part of a process to provide a recipient with information to confirm its accuracy or correct it.
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Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed - Proof of Service

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed, Proof of Service (U.S. Mar. 19, 2021)
Briefs and Records Supreme Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals
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Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed - Certificate of Word Count

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Reply of petitioner TransUnion LLC filed, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Mar. 19, 2021)
Briefs and Records Supreme Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33. l(h), I certify that the Reply Brief contains 5,993 words, excluding the parts of the Brief that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.l(d).
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
(800) 890.5001 www.beckergallagher.com 8790 Governor's Hill Drive Suite 102 Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 Franklin Square 1300 I Street, NW, Suite 400E Washington, DC 20005
Sworn to and subscribed before me by said Affiant on the date designated below.
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Brief amici curiae of Public Citizen and - Main Document

Document TransUnion LLC, Petitioner v. Sergio L. Ramirez, 20-297, Brief amici curiae of Public Citizen and, Main Document (U.S. Mar. 10, 2021)
Nonethe- less, to provide guidance to the lower courts on a re- curring issue, the Court should place its resolution of the fact-specific FCRA standing issues within a broader procedural framework defining when and how standing issues ...
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