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Woodhouse v. Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America
Division | Santa Ana (Southern Division) |
Flags | ACCO |
Demand | $20,000,000,000 |
Cause | 28:1332 Diversity-Insurance Contract |
Case Type | 110 Insurance |
Tags | 110 Insurance, 110 Insurance |
Plaintiff | Logan Woodhouse |
Defendant | Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America |

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Dunn v. Grandview Auto LLC et al
Division | Riverside (Eastern Division) |
Flags | ACCO |
Cause | 42:12101 Americans With Disabilities Act |
Case Type | 446 Civil Rights - Americans with Disabilities Act - Other |
Tags | 446 Civil Rights, Americans With Disabilities Act, Other, 446 Civil Rights, Americans With Disabilities Act, Other |
Plaintiff | Larry Dunn |
Defendant | Grandview Auto LLC |
Defendant | Mary E. Cavaness |

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Ruben Sanchez v. United Airlines, Inc. et al
Division | Los Angeles (Western Division) |
Demand | $75,000 |
Cause | 28:1331 Fed. Question: Railway Labor Act |
Case Type | 442 Civil Rights - Jobs |
Tags | 442 Civil Rights, Jobs, 442 Civil Rights, Jobs |
Deadline | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Plaintiff Ruben Sanchez. upon United Airlines, Inc. waiver sent by Plaintiff on 2/7/2025, answer due 4/8/2025. |
Plaintiff | Ruben Sanchez |
Defendant | United Airlines, Inc. |
Defendant | Association of Flight Attendants-Communications Workers of America |

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No. 1 COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-38937930 - Fee: $405, filed by Plaintiff Ruben Sanchez

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