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9 results

USA v. Grewal

Docket 8:24-cr-00055, California Central District Court (May 15, 2024)
DivisionSanta Ana (Southern Division)
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USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al

Docket 5:24-cr-00055, California Central District Court (Feb. 21, 2024)
Judge Wesley L. Hsu, presiding
DivisionRiverside (Eastern Division)
DeadlineIt is further ordered that the defendant surrender himself to the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons at or before 12 noon, on 4/7/2025.
DeadlineAMENDED JUDGMENT 3/20/25 It is further ordered that the defendant surrender himself to the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons at or before 12 noon, on May 13, 2025.
Defendant James Harvey Scott, Jr
Defendant Anthony Fields, Jr
Defendant Jaycee Simpson
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USA v. Brown

Docket 2:24-cr-00055, California Central District Court (Jan. 24, 2024)
Judge Stephen V. Wilson, presiding
DivisionLos Angeles (Western Division)
Defendant Michael Ray Brown
Plaintiff USA
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No. 110 JUDGMENT AND COMMITMENT by Judge Wesley L. Hsu as to Defendant James Harvey Scott, Jr (1), ...

Document USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al, 5:24-cr-00055, No. 110 (C.D.Cal. Mar. 13, 2025)
Motion for JudgmentGranted
Docket No. 5:24-cr-00055-WLH-1 Defendant akas: NONE James Harvey Scott, Jr Social Security No. (Last 4 digits) 2 5 7 2 JUDGMENT AND PROBATION/COMMITMENT ORDER MONTH DAY YEAR In the presenceof the attorney for the ...
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No. 113 JUDGMENT AND COMMITMENT by Judge Wesley L. Hsu as to Defendant Anthony Fields, Jr (2), Count(s) ...

Document USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al, 5:24-cr-00055, No. 113 (C.D.Cal. Mar. 19, 2025)
Motion for JudgmentGranted
The defendant shall participate in an outpatient substance abuse treatment and counseling program that includes urinalysis, breath or sweat patch testing, as directed by the Probation Officer.
The defendant shall be held jointly and severally liable with co-participants, James Harvey Scott, Jr. and Jaycee Simpson (Docket No. 5:24CR00055) for $154,726.96 of the amount of restitution ordered in this judgment.
If all or any portion of a fine or restitution ordered remains unpaid after the termination of supervision, the defendant must pay the balance as directed by the United States Attorney’s Office.
The defendant must notify the Court (through the Probation Office) and the United States Attorney of any material change in the defendant’s economic circumstances that might affect the defendant’s ability to pay a fine or restitution, as required by 18 U.S.C. § 3664(k).
The defendant must not transfer, sell, give away, or otherwise convey any asset with a fair market value in excess of $500 without approval of the Probation Officer until all financial obligations imposed by the Court have been satisfied in full.
cite Cite Document

No. 115 AMENDED JUDGMENT by Judge Wesley L. Hsu as to Defendant Anthony Fields, Jr (2), Count(s) 9, ...

Document USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al, 5:24-cr-00055, No. 115 (C.D.Cal. Mar. 20, 2025)
Motion for JudgmentGranted
The defendant shall participate in an outpatient substance abuse treatment and counseling program that includes urinalysis, breath or sweat patch testing, as directed by the Probation Officer.
The defendant shall be held jointly and severally liable with co-participants, James Harvey Scott, Jr. and Jaycee Simpson (Docket No. 5:24CR00055) for $154,726.96 of the amount of restitution ordered in this judgment.
If all or any portion of a fine or restitution ordered remains unpaid after the termination of supervision, the defendant must pay the balance as directed by the United States Attorney’s Office.
The defendant must notify the Court (through the Probation Office) and the United States Attorney of any material change in the defendant’s economic circumstances that might affect the defendant’s ability to pay a fine or restitution, as required by 18 U.S.C. § 3664(k).
The defendant must not transfer, sell, give away, or otherwise convey any asset with a fair market value in excess of $500 without approval of the Probation Officer until all financial obligations imposed by the Court have been satisfied in full.
cite Cite Document

No. 94 JUDGMENT AND COMMITMENT by Judge Wesley L. Hsu as to Defendant Jaycee Simpson (3), Count(s) ...

Document USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al, 5:24-cr-00055, No. 94 (C.D.Cal. Feb. 11, 2025)
Motion for JudgmentGranted
Defendant akas: NONE Jaycee Simpson Docket No. 5:24-cr-00055-WLH-3 Social Security No. (Last 4 digits) 5 7 8 9 JUDGMENT AND PROBATION/COMMITMENT ORDER MONTH DAY YEAR 02 07 2025 In the presence of the attorney ...
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No. 18 ORDER OF DETENTION by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym as to Defendant James Harvey Scott, Jr

Document USA v. James Harvey Scott, Jr, et al, 5:24-cr-00055, No. 18 (C.D.Cal. Mar. 6, 2024)
The Court has considered all the evidence proffered and presented at the hearing, the arguments and/or statements of counsel, and the Pretrial Services Report and recommendation.
A. (~ Defendant poses a serious flight risk based on: (~ information in Pretrial Services Report and Recommendation (`~) other: iin ~'Z~ ~"' ~ (k) Defendant poses a risk to the safety of other persons and the community based on: (~ information in Pretrial Services Report and Recommendation ( `~1 other: ~~~.2~~~ ~'~ C. () A serious risk exists that defendant will: 1.
( )threaten, injure, or intimidate awitness/juror, or attempt to do so, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 based on: D. () Defendant has not rebutted by sufficient evidence to the contrary the presumption provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3142(e) that no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the appearance of defendant as required.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that defendant be committed to the custody of the Attorney General for confinement in a corrections facility separate, to the extent practicable, from persons awaiting or serving sentences or being held in custody pending appeal.
D. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, on order of a Court of the United States or on request of an attorney for the Government, the person in charge of the corrections facility in which defendant is confined deliver defendant to a United States Marshal for the purpose of an appearance in connection with a court proceeding.
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