Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the Courts of New York State, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasõñabic inquiry, the contentions contained in the annexed document are not frivolous.
days from the date of service of this request, you are hereby required to set forth the total damages to which plaintiff(s) deems himself/herself entitled and list same separately for each cause of action.
Denies any knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of the allegations contained in paragraphs of the Complaint designated 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23 and
contract/agreement/lease whereiñ co-defendants agreed to hold harmless, fully iñdemñify and assume the defense of this defendant and that such contract/agreement/lease was in full force and relevant terms of such effect on the date of the incident made the subject of this litigation.
Lisk Co., 76 N.Y.2d (1990) shall be liable for and shall indemnify and hold this defendant harmless for any and all amounts awarded to said plaintiff as well as all costs, disburnamenta and other damages associated with this litigation.