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Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance

Docket 153753/2024, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (Apr. 4, 2024)
Case TypeSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78
Plaintiff Kristine M Young
Defendant The Department of Finance
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Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 34 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 17, 2024)
The following e-filed documents, listed by NYSCEF document number (Motion 001) 30, 31, 32, 33 were read on this motion to/for
This matter has been discontinued.
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Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 33 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jun. 25, 2024)
WHEREAS, Petitioner, KRISTINE M. YOUNG, commenced the instant proceeding challenging Violations Adjudication Division 1, 2024 determinations of the Appeals Board of the Parking the February of Respondent NewYork City Department of Finance ("Final upheld SummonsesNos.
hereby releases Respondent, of the foregoing, In consideration Petitioner the NewYork City Department of Finance, and any present or former employee or agent of the the NewYork City Department of Finance from any liability, Respondent or from or related action arising to the allegations contained in this proceeding, including claims for claim, or right of costs, expenses, and fees.
Respondent, contained herein Nothing shall the NewYork City Department of Finance, they have acted unlawfully be deemed to be an admission by or any of its employees or agents that or in any way violated any of Petitioner's rights, or the rights of any person or entity, rules, regulations
or bylaws of any department, agency or subdivision Nothing contained herein shall be deemedto constitute of Respondent or the City of NewYork.
This Stipulation contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties hereto; no oral agreement entered into at any time, nor any written agreement entered into prior to the execution of this Stipulation regarding the subject matter of the instant proceeding shall be deemed to exist, or to bind the parties hereto, or to vary the terms and conditions contained herein.
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ANSWER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING Reversed tickets 2 forms out of 5

Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 13 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 4, 2024)
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The by undersigned the above-named members of the Respondent,
Parking do Appeals hereby decide Board, and having determine heard and as above considered for the the appeal as submitted following reason(s): .
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cite Cite Document

ANSWER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING Reversed tickets 1 form out of 5

Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 12 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 4, 2024)
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cite Cite Document

ANSWER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING Reversed tickets 3 forms out of 5

Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 14 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 4, 2024)
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The undersigned "by ¾e above-named members of the Respondent, Par¼ng do hereby Appeals decide Board, and hav ng heard and determine as above considered tor the the appeal as submitted following reason(s):
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cite Cite Document

ANSWER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING Reversed tickets 4 forms out of 5

Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 15 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 4, 2024)
No Stato Numhm of Sumn Repondent-Appenant Noucon of UnbMy .
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The 4y members of the the above-named Respondent, Parking do Appeals hereby decide Board, and having determine heard and considered as above tor the the appeal as submitted following reason(s): |
tAAJORITY OPlNION: W WAn W \ See Its bwk "Attisistwl."
cite Cite Document

ANSWER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING Reversed tickets 5 forms out of 5

Document Kristine M Young v. The Department of Finance, 153753/2024, 16 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 4, 2024)
Two Department DECIStoM of loance's Parking Appeals otice(sWNiability hsted below.
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The undersigned by %le above-named members onhe Respondent, Parking do Appeals Board, hereby decide and having determine heard and considered as above for the the appeal as submitted following reason(s):
information, including "Reversed," explanations of the terms and "New Heanng.'
cite Cite Document
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