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Aamer et al v. Eden Gallery Group Ltd. et al

Docket 1:24-cv-07678, New York Southern District Court (Oct. 9, 2024)
Judge Margaret M. Garnett, presiding
DivisionFoley Square
Cause28:1332 Diversity Action
Case Type370 Fraud
Tags370 Fraud, 370 Fraud
Eden Gallery Group LTD.
Plaintiff Omar Aamer
cite Cite Docket

No. 28 ORDER granting 27 Letter Motion to Adjourn Conference. GRANTED

Document Aamer et al v. Eden Gallery Group Ltd. et al, 1:24-cv-07678, No. 28 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 13, 2025)
Margaret M. Garnett United States District Court Southern District of New York Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse 40 Foley Square Courtroom 906 New York, New York 10007 Re: Aamer, et al. v. Eden Gallery Group Ltd., et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-07678 Dear Judge Garnett: We represent Defendants Eden Gallery Group Ltd., Cathia Klimovsky, Guy Martinovsky, Gal Yosef, and Cetra Art Corporation (collectively, “Defendants”) in the above-captioned matter.
The reason for the proposed adjournment of the Conference and the deadline to submit pre-Conference materials is that Defendants recently filed a motion to dismiss Plaintiffs’ Complaint (ECF Nos. 24-26, the “Motion to Dismiss”) on the basis of, inter alia, lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
Morrison Cohen LLP | 909 Third Avenue | New York, NY 10022‐4784 | P212.735.8600 | F212.735.8708 | morrisoncohen.com January 10, 2025 Page 2 Counsel for Plaintiffs requests an extension of Plaintiffs’ time to amend the Complaint in response to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss from January 21, 2025 to February 7, 2025.2 Counsel for Defendants consents to this request.
P. 6(a)(1)(C), the deadline for Plaintiffs to file an amended complaint continues to run until the end of the next business day, or Tuesday January 21, 2025.
The Initial Pretrial Conference, and the accompanying deadline for the parties' joint submissions, are hereby ADJOURNED sine die.
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No. 23 ORDER granting 22 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File. GRANTED

Document Aamer et al v. Eden Gallery Group Ltd. et al, 1:24-cv-07678, No. 23 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 7, 2024)
I write pursuant to Section I.B.5 of the Court’s Individual Rules & Practices to request an extension of Defendants’ time to respond to the Complaint to January 6, 2025.
The reason for the proposed adjournment is that Defendants Eden Gallery Group, Klimovsky, Martinovsky, and Yosef dispute that they were properly served.
Defendants’ counsel has also agreed to accept service of the Court’s Notice of Initial Pretrial Conference (ECF No. 13) and the Court’s Individual Rules and Practices.
The Parties have agreed to a Stipulation and Proposed Order reflecting such agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A. This is the first request for an extension of Defendants’ time to respond to the Complaint.
The Initial Pretrial Conference is hereby ADJOURNED until January 23, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. and will be held in person in Courtroom 906 of the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, NY 10007.
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