Ata Term of the Supreme Court, held in and for the County of Onondaga,at 401 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13202 on September 26, 2024.
Plaintiffs complaintsets forth four causesof action forillegal eviction under RPAPL §853, conversion, punitive damages, and loss of income.
Plaintiff commenced the instant action February 15, 2024 by filing the summons and complaint, more than two years after the alleged illegal eviction.
Based on the foregoing, plaintiff’s motion for default judgment as to her conversion claim only will be granted, and an inquest will be scheduled to determine damages.
NOW,it is hereby: ORDEREDthatplaintiff’s motion for default judgment against defendants is GRANTED IN PARTasto plaintiff’s conversion only; andit is further ORDEREDthatplaintiff’s motion for default judgment is otherwise DENIED; anditis further ORDEREDthat an Inquest on the issue damagesshall take place on December 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 401 Montgomery Street, Third Foor, Syracuse, NY 13202; andit is further ORDEREDthatplaintiff shall serve a copy of this Order via certified mail, return receipt requested, and via regular mail at the defendants’ last known addresses on or before October 23, 2024; andit is further ORDEREDthatplaintiff shall file an affidavit of service evidencing said service within ten (10) days of service on defendants.