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1013 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,841,078 to Miller et al Miller

Document IPR2020-01119, No. 1013-15 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,841,078 to Miller et al Miller (P.T.A.B. Jun. 17, 2020)
first conductive traces 14 disposed on a top surface 16 According to a presently preferred embodiment of the thereof and run in a first direction to comprise rows of the
imity of a finger ( conductive object) to the line of the sensor point capacitance measuring mode suitable for use in the array 10 connected to input node 74.
provided to the non-inverting input of the amplifying ele­ of VLow· In low power supply-voltage rium voltage ment 72 in a manner which allows easily controlled stepping
signal at RESET node 104 discharges the capacitors 82 of all According to a presently preferred embodiment of the integrating charge amplifiers 100 in the system at the begin­
P-channel MOS Thus, the input section for In1 comprises averaging mode provides substantial noise rejection in the current-limiting transistor 186 having its source connected system.
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1012 Exhibit: Affidavit from Chris Butler at the Internet Archive

Document IPR2020-01119, No. 1012-14 Exhibit - Affidavit from Chris Butler at the Internet Archive (P.T.A.B. Jun. 17, 2020)
Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is compiled using software programs known as crawlers, which surf the Web and automatically store copies of web files, preserving these files as they exist at the point of time of capture.
Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of printouts of the lntemet Archive's records of the HTML files or PDF files for the URLs and the dates specified in the footer of the printout (HTML) or attached coversheet (PDF).
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this Li dayof Nihm’mflhfii , Zglfl ,by Christopher Butler, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.
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1018 Exhibit: Japanese Patent No 2,666,900 to Yasuhiro et al Yasuhiro

Document IPR2020-01119, No. 1018-20 Exhibit - Japanese Patent No 2,666,900 to Yasuhiro et al Yasuhiro (P.T.A.B. Jun. 17, 2020)
[Prior Art] The basic patent for this type of non-touch sw itch is ow ned by Intel Electronics Limited, Australia (see JP 63- 502540
Consequently, the charge betw een the electrodes is divided, such that the capacitance betw een the electrode plates 2 and 4 is reduced as compared w ith the normal state, in response to w hich the current flow ing through the transistor Q1 decreases such that, in the output w aveform show n in FIG. 6 (a), in w hich the normal fingertip is not close, the output pulse changes as shown in FIG. 6 (b).
A square-w ave key-scan drive signal is scanned as described above, so as to be input to each non-touch sw itch 1 from a computation and control circuit 10 that is constituted by a microcomputer.
Accordingly, even if simultaneous input occurs w ith the non-touch sw itch 1 below , the intended non-touch sw itch 1 having the higher priority ranking w ill be detected by w ay of the control determinations of the computation and control circuit 10, such that erroneous operations in response to normal fingertip approach are eliminated.
Accordingly, even if simultaneous input occurs w ith the proximal non-touch sw itches 1, the intended non-touch sw itch 1 having the higher priority ranking w ill be detected by w ay of the control determinations of the computation and control circuit 10, such that erroneous operations in response to normal fingertip approach are eliminated.
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